; Library: PARMLIB ; Version: 1.0 ; Module: REGDUMP ; Version: 1.0 ; Author: Carson Wilson ; Date: July 10, 1989 ; Purpose: Dumps contents of A, HL, BC, DE, IX, IY to screen. ; public regdump extrn print, crlf, pa2hc, phl4hc ; SYSLIB ; ; REGDUMP - Displays contents of registers to screen. ; ; Entry: - All registers defined. ; Exit: Registers A, HL, BC, DE, IX, IY displayed. ; Uses: - none. ; regdump: push af push hl call print db ' A = ',0 call pa2hc call print db ', HL = ',0 call phl4hc ld h,b ld l,c call print db ', BC = ',0 call phl4hc ld h,d ld l,e call print db ', DE = ',0 call phl4hc call crlf push ix pop hl call print db 'IX = ',0 call phl4hc push iy pop hl call print db ', IY = ',0 call phl4hc call crlf pop hl pop af ret end ; End REGDUMP.Z80