^S pauses, ^C aborts, ^X goes to next file, ^Z disables/restores paging, Space goes to next line, 0-9 sets inter-character delay, others page Member: MAKE.FOR MAKE.RCP version 1.8 1.8 Updates: There have been some minor changes and alot of translator support added. Version 1.7 was a very quick release to aid Bill Greathouse in Modula2 programming, version 1.8 supports a wide varity of translators. An important addition is TOUCH, which replaces the use of PROTECT in makefile scripts. TOUCH will only reset the makefile bit, thus preserving system, read-only, archive and other attribute bits. 1.7 Updates: Make is modeled on the Unix MAKE. It runs as an ZCPR33 RCP, schedules source files for assembly/compilation and then monitors the assembly/compilation process, aborting if errors are detected. It's superior to the FINDERR method in that multiple-pass compilers with overlays are supported ( PL/I ), or [more] any compiler that overwrites the error location prior to warm booting. Using MAKE ensures that the latest version of a program is created, no need to keep track of what you modified, MAKE determines that a modified file exists and inserts the given command line into the Z3CL. See MAKE.DOC for further details. MAKE is distributed as MAKE.ZRL, and was designed to be loaded into anyone's NZCOM system with either NZCOM. Attempting to link MAKE.ZRL for your system is probably doomed, as most linkers mishandle the named common declarations and will provide the wrong addresses ( therefore Crashing your system ). C0:ZNEW>