ZCPR3 Z3ENV source code generator. Program Name: ENVSRC Author: Terry Hazen Version: 1.0 Date: 24 August 90 Since the extended environment was introduced with NZCOM, replacing many seldom used elements with new system addresses and segment sizes, there hasn't been a good comprehensive reference to all the elements currently defined in the environment and their environmental offsets. ENVSRC allows you to create commented source code from your own ZCPR3 environment using the latest extended environment definitions and label names as defined in the NZCOM.ZCM files. The source code may be used for reference to allow you to customize any of the elements of your environment by direct patching or by editing the source code file. The edited source code file can also be assembled and loaded to your environment, or even to the boot image of your system if you wish to make permanent changes. You may, for example, create and load an environment that uses 'fake' system segment addresses for a system of a different size than the one you are currently running. This allows you to use system segment loaders that take their system segment destination addresss from the environment in order to create new binary system segment files from .REL or .ZRL files. The resulting binary system segment files can then be brought together to create a boot system image of the new sized system. Syntax ------ ENVSRC [[dir:]outfile[.z80]] Default outfile is Z3ENV.Z80 on default directory. Any existing R/W file of the same name will be overwritten. The companion utility TCSRC generates commented source code from the Z3TCAP in your environment or from existing termname.Z3T files, allowing you to produce custom Z3TCAPs. Note that a new NZCLK label, proposed by Joe Wright for the DOS clock routine address, has been added. It replaces the spares SPAR4 and SPAR5. It is currently included for information only, as it is not yet used at present. The exact definition and explanation will be added when it is more completely developed.