PRETTY Version 3.0 Gene Pizzetta November 17, 1990 PRETTY is a Z-System utility to standardize the case of opcodes and labels in Z-80 and 8080 source code. USAGE: PRETTY {dir:}infile {dir:}{outfile} {{/}options} If a DIR or DU specification is not given, the current drive/user is assumed. If no outfile name is given, it will have the same name as the infile. If a file exists with the same name as the outfile, it will be renamed to a filetype of BAK. Any existing BAK file will be lost. OPTIONS: A slash is not required if the options are the third token on the command line. I Intel mnemonics. This option forces the use of the extended Intel opcodes table. The contents of the source file are not checked or verified. Z Zilog mnemonics. This option forces the use of the Zilog opcodes table. The contents of the source file are not checked or verified. Q Toggle quiet mode. If the quiet flag is set, or if PRETTY is configured to default to quiet mode, this option will toggle quiet mode off. Otherwise, it will toggle quiet mode on. If no option is given, PRETTY checks the first 16K of the source file for a LD, MOV, MVI, or LXI instruction and uses the opcode table for the first matching instruction found. If no matching instruction is found, PRETTY defaults to Zilog or Intel mnemonics, depending on its configuration. If it is running under ZSDOS or ZDDOS, PRETTY will transfer the create date stamp from the source file to the new file. If the source file has no create date, the source file's modify date will be used. On error, such as an invalid directory or a file not found, PRETTY sets the program error flag appropriately and invokes the error handler on error. CONFIGURATION: Using ZCNFG and the accompanying PRETTYnn.CFG file, PRETTY can be configured to make opcodes upper- or lower- case, and to make labels upper-case, lower-case, or to leave them as it finds them. Although rarely, some files will have no LD, MOV, MVI, or LXI opcodes in the first 16K, especially files with long preambles. In such a case PRETTY will revert to its configured default, which can also be changed with ZCNFG. In addition, PRETTY can be configured to default to quiet mode. If you do not change the name of the CFG file, ZCNFG will be able to find it automatically, even if you change the name of PRETTY. I'm very interested in your bug reports and your suggestions for improvements. Gene Pizzetta 481 Revere St. Revere, MA 02151 Voice: (617) 284-0891 Newton Centre Z-Node: (617) 965-7259 Ladera Z-Node Central: (213) 670-9465