Function ParamStr(i:integer):str80; { Returns ith string of command. If i=0, returns command itself. If i=1 you get the first command tail parameter, etc. This uses the multiple command line, *not* the tbuff (hex 80 to hex ff.) Turbo Pascal itself uses tbuff+32 to tbuff+79 for its own purposes! Needed to write this function because it is *not* in the standard lib of Turbo Pascal Version 2. } Var j,j1,lcmd,lc,p : Integer; whatsleft : str80; cl : mclptr; { from } Begin cl := Ptr(getmcl); { point to multiple command line, using } { determine end of command and its offset in multiple command line } lc := cl^.nxtchr - 1; j := lc - Ord(cl) - 3; lcmd := 0; While (cl^.mcl[j]<>';') And (j<>0) Do Begin { back up to start of command } j := j - 1; lcmd := lcmd + 1; End; { load work string with it } For j1 := j + 1 To j + 1 + lcmd - 1 Do whatsleft[j1 - (j + 1) + 1] := cl^.mcl[j1]; whatsleft[0] := Chr(lcmd); p := Pos(' ',whatsleft); { locate first space } If (i>0) And (p=0) Then whatsleft := ''; While (i<>0) And (p<>0) Do Begin { grab the ith parm } i := i - 1; { decrement parm counter } Delete(whatsleft,1,p); { lop off the leading parm } p := Pos(' ',whatsleft); { locate next space } End; If p=0 Then { if at end, use what's left } ParamStr := whatsleft Else ParamStr := Copy(whatsleft,1,p - 1); { else, what's at the beginning } End; { of what's left }