; Print the Version Number and ID Strings from libraries. 16 Aug 90 ;========================================================================= ; Assemble this, then link with all libraries as: ; ZML LIBVERS,DSLIB/,VLIB/,Z3LIB/,SYSLIB/ ; Then Execute the LIBVERS.COM to display the versions of each library. ; Harold F. Bower ;========================================================================= ; Routines/Data to be gathered from library modules: EXT VERSION ; SYSLIB Version string EXT Z3LVER ; Z3LIB Version string EXT VVERS ; VLIB Version string EXT DVERS ; DSLIB Version string EXT @B2HL,PRINT,PSTR,COUT,CRLF ; Use these from SYSLIB ; ASCII Character Constants CR EQU 13 ; Carriage Return LF EQU 10 ; Line Feed TAB EQU 09 ; Tab character ;........................................................................ START: CALL PRINT ; Opening banner DEFB CR,LF,'Versions of selected libraries are:',CR,LF DEFB 'SYSLIB --> ',0 CALL VERSION ; Get BCD Version of SYSLIB CALL DOBCDV ; ..and print LD HL,VERSION+4 CALL PSTR ; Print the ID string CALL PRINT ; Now show Z3LIB DEFB CR,LF,'Z3LIB --> ',0 CALL Z3LVER ; Get BCD Version of Z3LIB CALL DOBCDV ; ..and print LD HL,Z3LVER+4 CALL PSTR ; Print the ID String CALL PRINT ; Now show VLIB DEFB CR,LF,'VLIB --> ',0 CALL VVERS ; Get BCD Version of VLIB CALL DOBCDV ; ..and print LD HL,VVERS+4 CALL PSTR ; Print the ID String CALL PRINT ; Finally show DSLIB DEFB CR,LF,'DSLIB --> ',0 CALL DVERS ; Get BCD Version of DSLIB CALL DOBCDV ; ..and print LD HL,DVERS+4 CALL PSTR ; Print the ID String JP CRLF ; ..and exit on a new line ;..... ; Print Version number as "n.n" as returned from call, followed by CRLF. DOBCDV: LD A,H CALL @B2HL ; Convert digit to Hex digit CALL COUT ; .print first digit LD A,'.' CALL COUT LD A,L ; Get second digit CALL @B2HL ; .convert to Digit CALL COUT ; ..and print CALL PRINT ; Go to a new line and indent DEFB CR,LF,TAB,0 RET ; ...and return END