The following alias may be used to assemble the ARRAYx.Z80 source files with the ZAS or ZMAC assembler. Be sure that the equate in ARRHDR.LIB reads 'ZAS EQU TRUE' before attempting the assembly with ZAS. ZMAC recognizes both ZAS and M80 syntax; no changes need be made to ARRHDR.LIB when using this assembler. ZASMBL.COM (Change 'ZAS' in this alias to 'ZMAC', 'M80', or whatever you have renamed your M80-compatible assembler.) The following Alias will create the relocatable object library file from the Microsoft .REL files produced by assembly using ZASMBL.COM or ASMBLS.SUB (assembly with SLR assemblers). MKMLIB.COM (Change the name of the library manager from ZLIB to ZMLIB, RLIB, or other ZMLIB compatible manager; change it to the one you use.) =================================================================== The following files contain the command string for use with the SLRxxx Assemblers and Library Manager to create an SLR format .REL object library. Set 'ZAS EQU FALSE' in ARRHDR.LIB before using either SLR or M80 assemblers. ASMBLS.SUB MKSLIB.SUB The following command string file will, with the SLRxxx Assemblers, produce Microsoft format .REL files which can be collected into a .REL object library with ZLIB or other compatible library managers that handle the Microsoft .REL format. ASMBLM.SUB =================================================================== The following files are relocatable object libraries created using the above utilities. MARRYLIB.REL - Microsoft format library of array routines SARRYLIB.REL - SLR format library of array routines