;--------------------------------------------------------- ; ZCNFG Patch offsets 03 OCT 88 idstr equ 0dh ;location of ID string defusr equ 19h ;alternate User/Drive (2 bytes) tgttyp equ 1bh ;target file default filetype ovltyp equ 1eh ;overlay file default filetype scrnln equ 21h ;your console screen length, lines Z3inst equ 22h ;switch for Z3 install during config. ;--------------------------------------------------------- include cnfgdef.lib ;************************************************************ ; START OF OVERLAY CODE ;************************************************************ ;The next 13 bytes must remain in this location. rst 0 ;for safety - file won't execute dw menu1 ;for relocation of addresses, this ;points to the NEXT location. ;first MENU list must be here. All names are local. menu1: dw menu1,menu1,scrn1,case1,help1 ;MENU A ;========================================================= case1: db (case1x-case11)/(case12-case11) ;number of cases db case12-case11 ;length of each record ; macro .single char menu selector ; | | .function (see above) ; | | | .offset in cnfg block ; | | | | .function dependent data ; | | | | | .screen location ; | | | | | | ;acse1: bitmap 0, switch, obyte0, crtflg, ascrl0, yndata ; | ; address of data structure used by function._| ; ;The first two entries in the case table must be labeled to ;provide data for the calculation at case1:. Subsequent ;entries (one for each menu selection) need not be labeled. case11: vector T, text, tgttyp, 3, scr100, 0 case12: vector O, text, ovltyp, 3, scr101, 0 vector L, decrad, scrnln, 1, scr104, range1 vector Z, togltf, Z3inst, 1, scr102, yndata ;note: user/drive are sequential bytes accessed as a word vector A, duspec, defusr, 2, scr103, 0 ;the next entry is a label which terminates the list. ;It is required for use in the calculation at case1: case1x: ;label used to calc number of entries ;========================================================= scrn1: INCLUDE zcscr1 ;screen image for first screen ;----------------------------------- ; FUNCTION DATA LIST ;data pair for representing bit values in screen image ;Can also be used for function 8 display (True/False) ;these are null terminated strings. Note the 'DZ'. yndata: dz 'YES' ;for 1=yes dz ' NO' range1: dw 12,80 ;min/max lines per screen ;========================================================= help1: include zchlp1 ; ZCNFG help screen for menu1 ;=========================================================