public mpy16 ; This routine multiplies the 16-bit values in DE and HL and returns the ; 32-bit result in HLBC (HL has high 16 bits; BC has low 16 bits). Register ; pair AF is preserved. mpy16: ex af,af' ; Save AF ld a,h ; Transfer factor in HL to A and C ld c,l ld hl,0 ; Initialize product ld b,16 ; Set bit counter rra ; Shift AC right so first multiplier bit rr c ; in carry flag mp161: jr nc,mp162 ; If carry not set, skip the addition add hl,de ; Add multiplicand mp162: rr h ; Rotate HL right, low bit into carry rr l rra ; Continue rotating through AC, with rr c ; multiplier bit moving into carry djnz mp161 ; Loop through 16 bits ld b,a ; Move A to B so result is in HLBC ex af,af' ; Restore original AF registers ret end