; Program: BOX ; Author: Joe Wright ; Date: 13 Dec 89 ; Test new VLIB routines ; The 'aspect ratio' of most of our terminals is 24/80 or 3/10. ; ext drfbox, drbox, erabox ext at, cls, z3vinit ext vprint, cin ext curoff, curon ; New routines .request vlib,z3lib,syslib jp start db 'Z3ENV' db 1 dw 0 start: call z3vinit call cls call curoff call drbox db 1,1,23,80 call drfbox db 2,4,21,74 call drbox db 3,7,19,68 call drfbox db 4,10,17,62 call drbox db 5,13,15,56 call at db 11,35 call vprint db 'Press Any Key',0 call cin call erabox db 5,13,15,56 call erabox db 4,10,17,62 call erabox db 3,7,19,68 call erabox db 2,4,21,74 call at db 11,35 call vprint db 'Goodbye Now',0 call at db 23,1 call curon ret end