19 Aug 89 LINKPRL is a small linker which accepts a single assembled program in MicroSoft REL format and generates either a COM file or Page Relocatable (PRL) file suitable for making Resident System Extensions (RSXes) or ZCPR 3.4 Type 4 modules. For a detailed explanation of the inner workings of this program, and a live working example of generating a useful RSX, stay tuned to "The Computer Journal". (Late Note -- the article incorrectly states that the word offset to the bit map goes on the first page, locations 0 and 1. It should be locations 1 and 2.) To link a file, simply enter the desired file name after LINKPRL on the command line. A file type of ".REL" is automatically appended. You will be prompted for the mode (COM or PRL) and desired ORG location for the resulting object file. If the REL file is properly located and opened, you will be furnished several items of information including the REL file name, Code area size and Data area size. Since only a subset of the MicroSoft definition for relocatable files is implemented, you may receive messages detailing unimplemented functions. You are invited to examine the source to determine specific messages and causes. The following limitations apply to LINKPRL: - Do Not use ORG statements which result in a negative displacement - If you use DSEG, assemble it AFTER the CSEG to avoid the above - The entire program must be a single REL file (No Externals) - Your assembler MUST generate both DSEG and CSEG size directives in all cases. Apparently, the small SLR assemblers do not generate a DSEG size directive if only CSEG is in the file. An easy fix is to declare a DSEG segment, adding only a label followed with DS 0. The source to LINKPRL is hereby released for Non-Commercial use in an effort to spark more interest in new developments in our CP/M-compatible arena. Any requests for commercial use should be directed to me at: Harold F. Bower P.O. Box 313 Ft. Meade, MD 20755