LFIND.DOC as of 02/05/85 by Martin Murray This is a short note to document the use of and patches to LFIND.COM. Syntax: A>LFIND FILENAME.TYP Q The purpose of LFIND is to search from drive A: forward until drive x: looking for a specified filespec inside every library it comes across. User areas from 0 to x will be searched on each drive. The maximum number of drives to be searched is indicated by the byte at 00157h. The maximum number of user areas in stored at 00158h, and should not exceed 32, which is the release default. The filespec indicated may contain wildcard characters. All entries in all libraries searched will be listed to CON: as well as the name of the library. The optional toggle "Q" may be included to tell LFIND to attempt to unsqueeze every entry's name, so to speak, to see if that entry might match after unsqueezing. Naturally, this takes longer. Enjoy the program. Let me know of any problems. My address is: Martin Murray P.O. Box 35972 Dallas, TX 75235