; Patch: LLF12PAT ; Author: Bruce Morgen ; Date: May 17, 1991 ; For: LLF (List Library Files) Version 1.0 or 1.1 ; by Richard Conn (from LUZ3.LBR) ; Purpose: Fixes annoying cosmetic flaw when aborting display ; of a large LBR with control-C. Also applies the ; version 1.1 patch, so will bring any extant version ; of LLF up to date. ; Production: Assemble to LLF12PAT.HEX with ASM.COM or equivalent, ; overlay LLF.COM using MLOAD or equivalent. ; Comments: LLF.COM is not a very popular tool these days -- ; I generally prefer LDIRB myself, but since recent ; versions of that program don't show member file ; CRCs and no program other than the huge NULU and LU ; shows member file indices, LLF can still be useful ; from time to time and this update is worthwhile. subver equ 0175h pat12 equ 0425h pat11 equ 069ch condin equ 100dh crlf equ 0f77h abort equ 056ch ctrlc equ 3 org subver db '2' ; Announce v1.2 org pat12 db 'Follow - Strike Any Key (^C Quits)',0 ; Shortened call condin ; Check CON: for a keypress cpi ctrlc ; Abort request? jnz nabort ; Nope, go on about our business call crlf ; This call is the fix jmp abort ; Now show the file count stuff nabort equ $ org pat11 lda 6 ; This is the old v1.1 patch end