ZS10.LBR contains ZSWEEP 1.0 which is NSWP207 disassembled and converted to a Z system utility. It has full support for named directories the ability to execute or act upon the current file and a psuedo Z system prompt from which you may execute any valid Z system command line up to 127 characters in length. It requires ZCPR 3.3 or later with an extended TCAP as specified by VLIB4D. The current release does not support user areas above 15, due to the fact that my system is Z3PLUS which does not support user areas above 15 so I was unable to implement user areas 16-31. However Bruce Morgan has graciously consented to assist in bringing this feature to ZSWEEP so expect it in the near future. The release of this program has the blessing of Dave Rand for which I express my gratitude to him. April 5, 1991 - Pete Pardoe Truro N.S. Canada