DEFAULT FILE TYPES The default file type extensions used by ZCNFG are shown. You may wish to choose another default filetype extension for configuration overlays because of conflict with your system standards. Z3ENV AUTO-INSTALL When set to YES, your current Z3ENV address will be installed, just as if you had invoked Z3INST.COM on the target program. Nothing is done if the current system is not ZCPR3x. Set this to NO if the target program is intended to operate in a CP/M system. It is not needed for target execution under ZCPR33/4. ALTERNATE DRIVE/USER If ZCNFG cannot find the overlay file in the currently logged directory, it will look for it in the alternate D/U. The '?' wildcard means current default at target execution time (not the default at configuration time) (Space or CR to continue, ^C for Menu) CONSOLE LINES PER SCREEN Set this to match your terminal. ZCNFG uses this number to manage menus and help screens properly. For demonstration purposes, values are limited to a minimum of 12 and maximum of 80.