Z3LIB History. 3.6 - Original source. Richard Conn 4.0 - 9 Apr 89 Harold Bower (HFB) Initial release for TCF89 combining Z33LIB & Z3LIB. 4.1-4.2 - omitted 4.3 - 18 Aug 90 - Fixed DUSCAN, updated version to 4.3. HFB 4.3a- 27 Jan 91 - HFB Incorporated optimized modules from Joe Wright affecting routines GETCL1, GETCL2, Z3LOG and PFIND. Added unique code for the ZFNAME routine deleted, although the entry point is retained, executing the ZPRSFN code. ZFNAME code was larger and had some anomalies, this should be no great loss. GZMTOP revised to return the address of the first UNUSABLE byte at the top of TPA. This causes it to be compatible with the GETMTOP routine in SYSLIB. The returned address will normally be the address of the first byte of the CCP or the protect address of an RSX. Updated HLP file. 4.3b- 10 Feb 91 - Corrected link error ub 4.3a. More GZMTOP mods. HFB 4.3c- 16 Jun 91 - Changed NDR routines for testing, added new routine. HFB Changed ADDNDR, SUBNDR, GETQUIET (for systems w/No ENV), added IDXNDR. (test version to Bruce Morgen) 4.4 - 22 Jun 91 - Finalized 4.3c, added GETND0 returning # entries. HFB 4.4a- 14 Jul 91 (corrects 4.4) Add Drive checks in ZPRSFN/ZFNAME, added more checking for GETMSG. HFB Hal Bower 4.5 - 29 Aug 92 - Mod many routines to abort if No ENV or Message Buffer, (PUTER2, STOPZEX, STRTZEX, PUTZEX, PUTREG, PUTSHM and PUTCST), PRTNAME masks off Bit 7 before printing Name, GETNDR fixed to return proper number, PFINDB no longer bonbs if No ENV, ZPRSFN properly places Error Code in FCB+15 and checks Drive Valid vecror in ENV for Drive. HFB 4.5a- 20 Sep 93 - Search first Path Element if Not searching Current DU even if first element is the Current DU ($$). HFB