TITLE "Z33REPRS - Z3lib 4.0" ;================================================================= ; Copyright (C) 1989 by Jay Sage. Permission granted to ; Alpha Systems Corp. to distribute with The Libraries, Version 4 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Author : Jay Sage modified by Harold F. Bower ; Date : ; Version : 1.0 ; Module : Z33REPRS ; Abstract: This module contains the routine REPARSE which calls ; the REPARSE entry point in the Command Processor to reparse ; the Command Line starting one token later. It is the user's ; responsibility to be sure that the Command Processor has not ; been overwritten in memory. No registers are altered, and ; the two default File Control Blocks are filled. ; Revision: 4/28/88 - set return addr by CALLing around code. HFB ;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; Module Entry Points PUBLIC REPARSE ; External References EXT GETCCP, SETEPB, RESEPB ; Definitions OFFPARSE EQU 16 ; Offset to entry point to REPARSE .Z80 CSEG ;=============================================================== ; NAME - REPARSE ; Entry: - None. Some command must be in the Command Line buffer ; Exit : - None. The default FCBs are filled ; Uses : - None. ; Special Requirements : The Command Processor must not have been ; overwritten. ;=============================================================== REPARSE: PUSH HL ; Preserve registers PUSH DE PUSH BC PUSH AF CALL SETEPB ; Set external program bit CALL REPAR1 ; Set up return addr by CALLing around ; Return here from parsing CALL RESEPB ; Reset external program bit POP AF ; Restore the regs POP BC POP DE POP HL RET REPAR1: CALL GETCCP ; Get addr of Command Processor LD DE,OFFPARSE ; ..offset to parser entry point ADD HL,DE JP (HL) ; Call the Reparsing routine END