; SHOWFILE.Z80 fnames: call banner call gxymsg defb 3,30 defb highon,' System File Names ',highoff,0 ld hl,7*100h+22 ; Set to row 7, column 22 ld (infoxy),hl call vprxy defb highon defb ' Shell Variable File: ' defb highoff,' ',0 ld a,47h ; Offset in ENV call compenv ex de,hl ; DE points to file name call pfn ; Print file name call dispxy call dispxy ld c,'1' ; Set file number ld b,4 ; Number of names to display fnames1: ld hl,11 ; Offset to next file add hl,de ; Point to next file name ex de,hl call vprxy defb highon defb ' System File Name ',0 ld a,c call cout ; Print number call vprint defb ': ' defb highoff,' ',0 call pfn ; Print file name inc c ; Next file number djnz fnames1 jp getcmd ;---------------------------------------- ; Subroutine for displaying the name of a file pfn: ld a,(de) ; Get first character cp ' ' ; Anything defined? jp nz,pfn1 ; If so, display name (SYSLIB routine) ld hl,8 ; Check the file type add hl,de ld a,(hl) ; Get first character of type cp ' ' ; Anything defined? jp nz,pfn1 ; If so, display name (SYSLIB routine) call print ; Otherwise give 'undefined' message defb '-undefined-',0 ret ; End SHOWFILE.Z80