; This module shows data from the environments, including the characteristics ; of the console and list devices. ; SHOWCRT.Z80 cpdata: call banner call gxymsg defb 3,29 defb highon,' Data from Environment ',highoff,0 ; CRT information call gxymsg defb 6,20 defb highon defb ' I/O DEVICE: LST CON ' defb highoff,0 call gxymsg defb 7,20 defb highon defb ' width ' defb highoff,0 call gxymsg defb 8,20 defb highon defb ' total lines ' defb highoff,0 call gxymsg defb 9,20 defb highon defb ' text lines ' defb highoff,0 call gxymsg defb 10,20 defb highon defb ' formfeed ' defb highoff,0 ld hl,7*100h+38 ; Start display at row 7, column 38 ld a,37h ; Print data at offset 37H in ENV call lprt ld hl,7*100h+52 ld a,31h ; Print data at offset 31H in ENV call cprt ; Miscellaneous environment data call gxymsg defb 14,10 defb highon,' DU OK: ',highoff,' ',0 ld a,2eh call compenv ld a,(hl) call pryna call vprint defb ' ',highon,' Max DU: ',highoff,' ',0 ld a,2ch call compenv ld a,(hl) add a,'@' call cout inc hl ld a,(hl) call pafdc call vprint defb ' ',highon,' Speed: ',highoff,' ',0 ld a,2bh call compenv ; Set up pointer to data ld a,(hl) call pafdc call vprint defb ' MHz',0 call vprint defb ' ',highon,' Quiet: ',highoff,' ',0 ld a,28h call compenv ld a,(hl) call pryna call gxymsg defb 17,25 defb highon,' Drive Map: ',highoff,' ',0 ld a,34h ; Offset into ENV call compenv ld e,(hl) ; Load drive map vector into DE inc hl ld d,(hl) ex de,hl ; Now into HL ld d,'A' ; Drive letter when in map ld e,'-' ; Dash when not in map ld b,16 ; Number of drives maploop: ld a,e ; Prepare to display dash rr h ; Shift bits in HL rr l jr nc,maploop1 ; Skip if drive bit not set ld a,d ; Get drive letter maploop1: call cout ; Display the character inc d ; Advance to next drive letter djnz maploop jp getcmd ;---------------------------------------- ; Subroutine to display CRT data cprt: ld (infoxy),hl call compenv ; Compute offset call dispxy ld a,(hl) call padc call dispxy inc hl ld a,(hl) call padc call dispxy inc hl ld a,(hl) call padc ret ;---------------------------------------- ; Print LST Data lprt: ld (infoxy),hl call compenv ; Compute offset call dispxy ld a,(hl) call padc call dispxy inc hl ld a,(hl) call padc call dispxy inc hl ld a,(hl) call padc call dispxy inc hl ld a,(hl) call pryna ret ; End SHOWCRT.Z80