SALIAS 1.3 - SCREEN ORIENTED ALIAS EDITOR Update - Version 1.3 A bug appeared in the previous version which confused the find/replace routine. The script is no longer converted to upper case by SALIAS since the command processor does that itself. The help screen reads the current control key list. There is no longer a separate non-help screen version for patching. Update - Version 1.2 1. Corrects a problem with console input when the program is run under the new Z3PLUS system. 2. The command key bindings for the editor can now be installed to approximate the editor of your preference. SAINSTAL.COM is a self- documented, screen oriented installation program. It does NOT update the internal help screen of SALIAS, so install the version without a help screen. 3. The print function sends script to the printer or to a disk file with a default name of [alias].TXT. The disk file can be in one of two formats - one command per line (for documentation), or all commands on a single line (e.g. to import into ALIAS.CMD). 4. If you try to edit a file which is not an alias, SALIAS will now refuse to cooperate rather than just giving a warning. GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Purpose: Create and modify alias scripts with convenience of full screen editing. Syntax: SALIAS [[dir:]aliasname[.COM]] SALIAS assumes all files are of type COM. The specified alias will be loaded for editing, or created if it does not exist. If no alias name is given on the command line, it may be supplied on exit. System Requirements: TCAP support for CLS, EREOL, and addressable cursor. The CRT in use must have at least 80 columns by 6 lines. Standout mode must not use space on the screen. Recursive Aliases: SALIAS uses an internal alias template of the VALIAS1 type created by Jay Sage. These aliases may be optionally Normal or Recursive. A recursive alias flushes the remainder of the command line when invoked, giving a clean start each time. (Note that nothing can follow the alias name on the command line.) Use these to loop through a sequence, such as an edit-assemble cycle, until an exit condition is satisfied. FILE MODE --------- The script is displayed on screen, and the following file manipulation functions are available from a menu: A ADD - Add the script of another alias. C CLEAR - Clear script. UNDO recovers. E EDIT - Enter full screen editor. F FORMAT - Reformat the script, one command per line. I INDENT - Format and indent by IF level. L LOAD - Clear script and load an alias for editing. M MODE - Select Normal or Recursive mode (toggle). N NAME - Select a new name (or DIR:) for the script. P PRINT - Send the script to printer or to a text file. S SAVE - Format and WRITE the alias to disk. U UNDO - Cancel unsaved changes to script. EDIT MODE --------- The script may be edited like text. The default configuration of the editor is WordStar-like. Most of the control set may be altered to your taste with the installation program. CURSOR: INSERTION: ^R - top of screen ^V - insert/overwrite ^E - line up - insert line ^N - insert line ^S - char ^ ^D - char DELETION: < $ > ^G - delete char at cursor ^A - word v ^F - word DEL - delete char left ^T - delete word right ^X - line down ^Y - delete line ^C - first blank line ^QY - delete to EOLN FIND/REPLACE: ^QF - find string ^QS, ^QD - SOLN, EOLN ^QA - find/replace string ^I (TAB) - Indent line visually. ^L - repeat find/replace No blanks entered in script. CONTROL CHAR ENTRY: ^P^n - ^n is ctl char - FILE mode ^J - Help File Mode functions are accessible with the ^K trigger: ^KX - Save & Quit SALIAS ^KD - Save & Clear Editor ^KS - Save & Resume on current script ^KQ - Quit ^KR - Read an alias, or add one to current script ^KN - ReName script ^KI - Indent by IF level ^KU - Undo ^KP - Print to list device or disk ^KZ - Zap (clear) script (also ^QZ) Alias script can be entered in upper or lower case. It is left in the case you chose. TAB is intended for visual indentation of IF levels. TAB looks like 3 blanks, but is not actually added to the script. A command line may start with a REAL blank in order to invoke the extended command processor. Control character entry uses the ^P trigger. The character entered is displayed in standout video mode. Example: To enter ^P, use ^P^P (or ^PP) ^P@ (null) is not accepted. Commands longer than the screen width are indicated with a ">" at the apparent end of the line. The line will scroll horizontally when the cursor reaches the screen boundary. If you prefer, ^P+ at the start of a line appends it to the previous line without a command separator (";"). This method keeps the entire script visible. The "PRINT" function will send the alias script to the printer or to a disk file (with type .TXT). The disk file can use separate lines for each command (as in the screen display), or create a single command line for importation into a CMD file. Find/Replace can be used to replicate a string. Example: <^Q^A> sequence will put string "IF ~NU" at the cursor. Every ^L will produce another copy. The help screen requires at least a 24 line terminal. If you are working with less than that, the function is aborted. MESSAGES -------- Messages which require no response go away when any key is pressed. The letter in caps is the default choice. A selects it. CL OVERFLOW n CHARS. SAVE ANYWAY?: The command line is too long by n characters. If the SAVE is not aborted, the alias probably won't run. If you have used script parameters such as $U which will require fewer characters when "expanded", you can choose to over-ride this helpful reminder. NOT AN ALIAS: The specified alias is not an alias at all, but some other COM file. The name is ignored and replaced with a blank. DESTINATION DISK FULL/ DIRECTORY FULL: QUIT or RENAME to a new disk. ALIAS CHOPPED: The alias file has too many commands to fit on the screen. (Could happen when using a small screen.) ------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT NOTICE SALIAS is copyrighted 1987,1988, 1989 by Rob Friefeld. All rights reserved. Sale or distribution of this copyrighted material with a commercial product is prohibited without the prior written consent of the author. Comments can be sent to the author by electronic mail at the Ladera Z-Node in Los Angeles (213-670-9465) or the Lillipute Z- Node in Chicago (312-649-1730). --------------------------------------------------------------- February 7, 1989 END SALIAS13.DOC