;============================================================================= ; ; M C C O M M A N D ; ;============================================================================ ; +++++++ NOT AN OFFICIAL RCP SEGMENT ; Command: MC ; Function: Multi-Copy: Wild Card File Copier ; Author: Rob Friefeld, 4607 Colorado St., Long Beach, CA 213-434-7338 ; Date: 23 Aug 1987 Version 1.0 ; Comment: ERAON = YES assures all routines needed in rcpsubs.lib ; are available. ; Usage: MC SOURCE [DESTINATION] i.e. MC WHAT WHERE ; Source is the afn to be copied and destination is an optional ; afn. If omitted, source comes to current DU: ; R/O files are copied to R/W. ; ; MC EQUATES ; ; # RECORDS TO READ ON EACH PASS (Byte value) FILELOC EQU TPA ; Location file read in RECBLKS EQU 255 ; About 32k buffer. Leaves transient at 8000h alone. IF the file is less than 32k size, AND if it is a program that executes at 100h, then a MC and GO will work. Note that Z33 tools which work at 8000h will leave the copied code alone, and vice versa. ; SHOW SPACE ON EXIT MCSPA EQU NO ; Show space MCSP EQU MCSPA AND SPACEON ; Don't do it unless routine on EXAMPLES: MC ROOT:LZED.COM TOP:ED.COM Copies file with rename from ROOT: to TOP: (e.g. on ram disk) MC LIB:*.REL Fetches all .rel files from the LIB: directory to current DU: MC *.* BAKUP: Sends everything from current DU: to BAKUP: directory Wild card rename also works but may be dangerous to your mental health. MC TEST.* a0:DONE.* This program is about the same as one I wrote earlier called PIPE (for the similarity to PIP). The shorter name has been used here for convenience. END MC.DOC