DIFF Version 3.0 Documentation February 19, 1989 Carson Wilson - Contents - 1. Overview. 2. System Requirements. 3. Purpose. 4. Operation. 5. Usage. 5.1. Command Line Syntax. 5.1.1. File Specifications. 5.1.2. Options. D - Test Datestamps Only. I - Ignore Datestamps M - Perform Multiple Comparison. Q - Perform Quiet Comparison. V - Perform Verbose Comparison. Combining Options. 5.2. Advanced Use With Command Scripts. 6. Customizing DIFF. 7. Error Handling. 8. Acknowledgements. 9. Legal Use of These Files. 1. Overview. DIFF version 3.0 is an extensively modified and improved version of the original ZCPR 3.0 DIFF utility by Richard Conn. The program's basic functions have been enhanced to take advantage of ZCPR 3.3 and 3.4, and several additional functions have been added. 2. System Requirements. DIFF now requires ZCPR versions 3.3 and above to operate. Additional features are available if DIFF is used under ZSDOS, Z3PLUS, and/or DosDisk, but these system enhancements are not required by DIFF. DIFF100.COM loads at 100 hex and requires memory from 100 hex to about 3200 hex. DIFF6000.COM loads at 6000 hex and requires memory from 100 hex to about 9100 hex. Insufficient memory causes DIFF to abort with an error message. 3. Purpose. DIFF quickly compares two files and reports the results to the screen and to the ZCPR environment. This is useful in verifying backup copies of files or eliminating duplicate copies. Because DIFF reports its findings to the ZCPR environment, it may be used with command scripts for automated file maintanence. In fact, while DIFF can produce a byte-by-byte report of file differences, other programs such as Rob Friefeld's BCOMP or Malcom Kemp's CPA are more suited to making detailed file comparisons. DIFF's main strength is as a non-interactive, command-line or script driven utility. 4. Operation. By default, DIFF determines file equivalence using the most efficient means available. It first checks for matching file names and datestamps and assumes that files with the same name which were created or last modified during the same minute are identical. This is much faster in most cases than performing a complete data test. If file datestamps are not present, DIFF falls back to a normal data comparison, stopping at the first difference, user abort command, or end of file. If a data test is desired regardless of datestamp information, the /I option can be used to tell DIFF to ignore datestamps and proceed directly to a data comparison. In comparing file datestamps, DIFF first tries to compare the "last modified" stamps. If a file's "last modified" stamp is missing, that file's "create" stamp is used instead. If either file is missing both create and modify stamps, DIFF falls back on file data to determine equivalence. DIFF communicates its results both to the screen and to the ZCPR environment. The program error byte is set to true ("ERROR") by default for each file compare, and is only reset to false when a matching pair of files is found. Thus all of the following conditions will set the program error byte to "true:" a. Either or both files missing b. User abort c. Files do not match ZCPR register zero is set to reflect the results of filestamp comparisons. Register zero is set as follows: Register 0 Value Condition ------- --------------------------------------------- 0 No stamp comparison was performed, either due to the /I option or because one or both stamps were not available. 1 Source 1 is more recent. 2 Source 2 is more recent. 3 Sources 1 and 2 have matching stamps. Unless the /V Verbose option is given, DIFF simply reports the results of file stamp comparisons (if any) and data comparisons to the screen, telling which file was more recent and whether files match or not. The /V option may be used to generate a more detailed report of file data differences (see below). 5. Usage. 5.1. Command Line Syntax. DIFF's command line consists of the command verb, followed by one or two unambiguous file specifications, optionally followed by one or more option characters: DIFF [dir:]ufn [dir:][ufn] [/][options] A leading slash must introduce options if only one file specification was given, to prevent DIFF from confusing options with filespecs. 5.1.1. File Specifications. The first file spec is given in the command and is referred to as "Source 1." The second file spec is either given in the command or is filled in by DIFF and is referred to as "Source 2". If only one file specification is given, Source 2 is assumed to have the same name as Source 1 and to reside in the current directory. For example, the command WORK>diff root:myfile.txt compares ROOT:MYFILE.TXT with WORK:MYFILE.TXT. If only a directory is given for the second file, DIFF assumes a file of the same name as the first, but in the specified directory. WORK>diff myfile.txt root: therefore compares WORK:MYFILE.TXT with ROOT:MYFILE.TXT. This is equivalent to the previous example with the exception that Source 1 and Source 2 are reversed. This is an important difference only when interpreting results stored by DIFF in ZCPR register 0 (see table above). Since DIFF uses ZCPR's command line parser when interpreting drive, user and directory specifications, directory security is enforced to current system levels, and DIFF may safely be used with secure systems. 5.1.2. Options. One or more of the following option characters may be given following the file specifications: D - test Datestamps only I - Ignore datestamps M - perform Multiple comparison Q - perform Quiet comparison V - perform Verbose comparison As mentioned above, if only one filespec is given, option characters must be introduced with the slash character ("/"). D - Test Datestamps Only. Normally, unless matching filenames and datestamps are detected DIFF falls back on a file data comparison. The /D option causes DIFF to exit as soon as the datestamp comparison has been attempted. This is useful in situations where only the temporal relationships of files are of interest. I - Ignore Datestamps. The /I option is the complement of the /D option, and causes DIFF to skip datestamp comparisons and go directly to a file data comparison. Register 0 is always set to 0 by this option. M - Perform Multiple Comparison. If the /M option is given, DIFF repeatedly prompts the user for new floppy disks, allowing a file to be compared with other files on several floppy disks. Q - Perform Quiet Comparison. The /Q option causes DIFF to report only error messages to the screen; all other screen output is suppressed. This option is designed for use with command scripts which must maintain screen control. V - Perform Verbose Comparison. Normally, DIFF reports only the final results of a comparison to the screen. Selecting the /V option causes DIFF to display the ASCII, Hex, and Decimal equivalents of all non-matching bytes. Combining Options. From what we have said above, it should be obvious that certain option combinations produce meaningless or contradictory results. For example, combining the /D and /I options causes DIFF to do nothing at all. The /Q option contradicts the /V and /M options, and for this reason where /Q is used it takes precedence over /M and /V, forcing a single, non-verbose comparison. 5.2. Advanced Use With Command Scripts. Where DIFF really excels is in its ability to pass file comparison information to the ZCPR environment. This capability can be used in conjunction with ZCPR's Flow Control feature and other programs to automate file maintenance in various ways. The Flow Control Package (FCP) can be configured to detect the status of ZCPR's program error byte and register byte zero and set the flow state accordingly. Here is a simple example using DIFF, FCP, and ERA commands to erase file1 only if file1 equals file2: WORK>diff file1 file2;if ~er;era file1;fi The following example uses DIFF, FCP, CP, and ECHO commands to copy the most recent of file1 and file2 to the other file: WORK>diff file1 file2 /d;if 0 1;cp file1 file2;else;if 0 2;<< cp file2 file1;else;echo error;fi;fi The above command is equivalent to the following pseudo-code: run DIFF if file1 was created/modified after file2 copy file1 to file2 else if file2 was created/modified after file1 copy file2 to file1 else echo error (files or datestamps missing, or files equal) fi fi If one or both files are missing or have missing stamps, or if the filestamps are equal, the word "ERROR" appears on the screen and no copy operation is performed. Many more complicated scripts are possible. The two preceding samples were issued from the command line, but command scripts are most useful when issued from a script processing program, such as ZEX or ZFILER. For example, the following command script can be used under ZFILER to update all non-archived files at the current directory to the current user area of drive C:. To use the macro, I press G-T (group tag), followed by G-A (group archive) and finally G-ESC-A (group macro A): A $d$u:;$!diff c:$f /q;if er;copy $f c: /ae;else;fa $f a;fi If DIFF does not find a matching backup on drive C, the ZSDOS COPY program makes a fresh archive from the current drive. If a matching backup was found, the ZSDOS FA command simply sets the file's archive attribute. Finally, DIFF can be used to select files by their temporal relation to another file and process them accordingly. For instance, to append all files created before a particular file to an archive file, I use the following ZFILER macro, invoked by pressing GT, then G-ESC-N: N $d$u:;diff $p $"Newer file: " /dq;if 0 2;<< append $f $"File to append to:";era $f;fi These suggestions do not exhaust even the applications I have found for DIFF. I am sure there are many others, and that you will discover ways of automating file and directory maintenance with DIFF that I have not yet thought of. 6. Customizing DIFF. As distributed, DIFF's Datestamp, Ignore, Multiple, Quiet, and Verbose options are "off" by default, and are turned on when the option character is given in the command line. The sense of any or all of the command line options may be reversed by altering the five bytes following the ASCII label "[DIMQV>" at address 10d hex in the program itself. As distributed, the five bytes at 112 hex are 0,0,0,0,0. To change an option to "on" by default, set the corresponding byte following the label to 0FF hex. For example, to make DIFF perform Verbose comparisons by default, change the byte at 116 hex from 00 to 0FFh. Now DIFF will display all differences between files UNLESS the /V option is given on the command line. 7. Error Handling. If ZCPR 3.3 or above is not present or if available memory is insufficient, DIFF aborts to the command line with an error message. If an ambiguous file name was used in the command or if an illegal ZCPR directory or drive/user combination was given, DIFF chains to the ZCPR error handler if present, or aborts to the command line. Missing files simply cause DIFF to set the program error byte rather than chaining to the error handler. This allows command scripts to retain control in the event of missing files. See the ZFILER command script in section 5.2 for an example of this. 8. Acknowledgements. The use of file datestamps to compare files was adapted from Bridger Mitchell's DATSWEEP utility, which is part of Plu*Perfect's DateStamper system and will be included with the ZSDOS operating system. 9. Legal Use of These Files. DIFF is an official ZCPR utility. As such, it is released to the public for personal use, but commercial use must be licensed by Alpha Systems. I encourage you to explore the source code, suggest improvements, and document errors. However, please obtain permission before redistributing any of these files in altered form. This will prevent confusion by allowing your work to be coordinated with the efforts of others. Carson Wilson may be reached via Antelope Freeway Remote Access System, Chicago 312-764-5162 300-1200-2400 Baud, 24 Hours As I am sysop of this system, you may leave comments for me when you apply for access.