May 23, 1988 DD was originally developed for use on the MDISK add-on RAM disk for the AMPRO Z80 Little Board. It allows use of the file attributes F1-F7 to select files to be displayed and to make examining the RAM disk directories faster and easier. It is also a general disk directory utility for ZCPR3 environments. I hope it proves useful to you! DD17 fixes a bug causing the named directory routine to be stomped on during program initialization. Other than the revision level update, the DOC and HLP files are unchanged. Please direct any relevant bug reports, comments or requests to: Terry Hazen n/SYSTEMS 21460 Bear Creek Road Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-7188 or messages may be left for me on one of the following boards: Z-Node Central...(408) 432-0821 Saratoga RBBS....(408) 354-5934 Zee-Machine......(408) 245-1420