WSMULCOP.WS, a WordStar document describing the program WSMULCOP.COM and its source WSMULCOP.Z80 Purpose: ________ WSMULCOP.CO make unattende multipl printout fro WordStar I i intende fo WordSta user no ownin MailMerge I use EX15.COM public-domai substitut fo SUBMIT.COM Usage: ------ Exi fro WordStar Typ A:WSMULCO (o you choic o nam -- WSMULCOP.CO ma b rename a desired). WSMULCOP.CO wil as th nam o th fil t b printe an th numbe o copie desire (u t 99) Afte confirmatio b th user WordSta is instructe t prin ou al th copies. Upon completion, th use is lef a th Openin Menu of WordStar WSMULCO ha bee teste onl wit WordSta 3.30 I shoul wor wit an versio o WordSta tha recognize th comman filename.ext. I yo hav EX14.CO bu no EX15 yo ca easil patc WSMULCOP.CO t wor wit EX14 jus chang location 0462 an 04C1 fro 35 t 34h However EX14.CO i incompatibl wit residen syste extension loade i RA jus belo th CC (e.g. keyboar redefinitio program suc a XtraKey Smartkey etc.) hav bee informe b Rober A Greenle o Xper Softwar tha tw simpl patche i EX14.CO wil mak i compatibl wit XtraKey chang locatio 7D4 fro 06 t 01 an chang locatio 7D8 fro 08 t 16h Method: ------- WSMULCOP.CO generate temporar dis fil A:PR.SUB Thi fil i execute b EX15.CO an the erased PR.SU consist of: A:WS p B:document.ext^[ (or other drivecode, p B:document.ext^[ if specified by user) . . . (one line for each copy) A:PR.SUB EX1 an EX1 conver ^ t whic tell WordSta t us th defaul response t th question i ask followin command Not tha SUBMIT.COM XSUB.COM SUPERSUB.COM an DO.CO d no handl thi conversio properly an s canno b use here WSMULCOP.CO move it last-execute par t hig storag (2000H) wel abov th to o EX15.COM s tha i ca loa EX15.CO a 100 withou overwritin itself (EX1 late relocate par o itsel a well bu tha i o n concer fo WSMULCOP. Afte EX1 ha bee loaded WSMULCO place referenc t PR.SU i th defaul fil contro bloc a 05C an i th comman tai buffe a 80 (th latte i use b EX1 t decid whethe t tak it command fro .SU file) Finall WSMULCO jump t 100H thereb settin EX1 i motion Assumptions: ------------ WS.COM, WSMULCOP.COM, and EX15.COM are all assumed to be on A:. Th fil t b printe i assume t b o B: However an drivecod prefixe t th filenam wil overrid thi default. Th validit o th drivecod an th existenc o th fil ar no checke unti EX15 trie t execut PR.SUB. Assembly and loading: --------------------- Writte fo th modifie Crow Z8 assemble a supplie b Micr Cornucopi o thei Kaypr Use Dis K-25 identifie a CROWE(JH/DC/JGO Z8 1.3e. Making the .COM file may be accomplished as follows: 1. Assemble: Z80 wsmulcop.bbb 2. Load: LOAD b:wsmulcop 3. Squeeze: DDT -m2000,23AF,0119 -g0 4. Save: SAVE 4 (or your choice of name) 5. Enjoy: WSMULCOP (or your choice of name) Althoug th progra i writte wit Zilo Z8 mnemonics onl instruction als availabl t th 808 hav bee used Melvyn L. Halbert 6-02-85; revised 11-18-85 104 Morgan Road (615)-483-0717 7-11 pm Eastern time Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (voice only)