WordStar Non-Document to Document Conversion Program Dr. William C. Parke Micropro's WordStar word processor creates and handles two kinds of files. A "document" file uses high-bit flags to signal word boundaries, "soft" spaces and "soft" carriage returns. These flags let WordStar properly justify and format the file. A "non- document" file uses no formatting or justification flags. This type of file is created to edit data or program source code, for which text formatting is not required. A "document" file can easily be converted to a "non-document" file by simply using the CP/M utility PIP to copy the file with the "Z" switch set. For example, >PIP DESTIN.DOC=SOURCE.DOC [Z] will create a file DESTIN.DOC from the file SOURCE.DOC which has all high-bits of each character (also called the parity bit) set to zero. This conversion may be necessary if you intend to edit the file with another word processor besides WordStar. There are occasions when you may wish to convert a "non-document" file to a "document" file. For example, the "non-doc" file may have been created on some other word processor, or it may have been a WordStar "doc" file transferred via modem with the parity bit masked off. This type of conversion is a less trivial task. Micropro suggests that you enter the file as a WordStar "document" file, delete all unwanted spaces and carriage returns and reformat each paragraph. This is a laborious procedure. The program WSDOCON was written to relieve this labor. It will do the following: 1) Establish word boundary flags. 2) Make all extra spaces between words "soft" spaces. 3) Set all carriage returns within a paragraph to "soft" carriage returns. Paragraph boundaries are recognized by the existence of blank lines (more than one carriage return-line feed). These boundaries are not made "soft". 4) Convert tab characters ( hex 09 ) into spaces, at the option of the user. The command format is: >WSDOCON SOURCE.DOC DESTIN.DOC or >WSDOCON SOURCE.DOC The second form will write the converted file back to the original file. WordStar does not use tab characters (CTL-I's) in its files. Instead, the tab key is converted to the (user settable) number of spaces. However, other word processors, such as PIE from Software Toolworks, use tabs in the file to preserve space. WSDOCON will convert each tab encountered into a single space, in anticipation of a reformating within WordStar. If there are tabs in the your file which establish fixed columns, you may wish to preserve these tabs in the conversion. This can be done using the "/T" switch in the form: >WSDOCON SOURCE.DOC DESTIN.DOC /T A second switch ("/N") is available for the conversion of a "document" file to a "non-document" file. You may find this type of conversion more convenient using WSDOCON than using PIP, since you need not create a new file in the process: >WSDOCON SOURCE.DOC /N After using WSDOCON to create a "document" file, you can use WordStar to reformat paragraphs to you liking.