A BRIEF NOTE: WS4VTC.PAT doesn't have the VIDATT: section in it, so it doesn't change the special display features like reverse video, underlining, and bold. This is why I suggest you use the 'ANSI standard' selection when you install the terminal with WINSTALL (try this, you'll love it). I purposely did it this way in case someone had a specially written video attribute (VIDATT:) routine and didn't want that changed. Anyway, it's true that WINSTALL.COM and WSCHANGE.COM will abort after you've installed WS4VTC.PAT. That is why I suggest that the installation be done after the LAST use of WINSTALL (and WSCHANGE), just make a back-up copy of WS.COM before you install WS4VTC.PAT. If there are more things you want to change in WS4.COM, make the changes to the version you used to install this patch in; then when you're satisfied, install this patch again. Installing a patch is about the most automatic thing about Wordstar installation so it's real easy to follow this procedure. Also note that the Delch key was not installed. I was running out of space in the patch area, and besides, the Del key now does what the Delch used to. COPYWRITE (c) 1988 by Alex Fetesoff. This program is shareware and as such may be distributed freely but not for profit. With such distribution must be included the above documentation and this paragraph. I disclaim any warranties, expressed or implied, including any warranties of merchantability, performance, and suitability for any purpose with respect to this software and documentation. But I hope you like it anyway! If you have questions or comments, send email on GENIE to alex.f or on CompuServe to 72277,1607.