/************************************************** UZI (Unix Z80 Implementation) Kernel: devtty.c ***************************************************/ #include "unix.h" extern struct u_data udata; #define TTYSIZ 132 char ttyinbuf[TTYSIZ]; struct s_queue ttyinq = { ttyinbuf, ttyinbuf, ttyinbuf, TTYSIZ, 0, TTYSIZ/2 }; int stopflag; /* Flag for ^S/^Q */ int flshflag; /* Flag for ^O */ tty_read(minor, rawflag) int16 minor; int16 rawflag; { int nread; nread = 0; while (nread < udata.u_count) { for (;;) { di(); if (remq(&ttyinq,udata.u_base)) break; psleep(&ttyinq); if (udata.u_cursig || udata.u_ptab->p_pending) /* messy */ { udata.u_error = EINTR; return(-1); } } ei(); if (nread++ == 0 && *udata.u_base == '\004') /* ^D */ return(0); if (*udata.u_base == '\n') break; ++udata.u_base; } return(nread); } tty_write(minor, rawflag) int16 minor; int16 rawflag; { int towrite; towrite = udata.u_count; while (udata.u_count-- != 0) { for (;;) /* Wait on the ^S/^Q flag */ { di(); ifnot (stopflag) break; psleep(&stopflag); if (udata.u_cursig || udata.u_ptab->p_pending) /* messy */ { udata.u_error = EINTR; return(-1); } } ei(); ifnot (flshflag) { if (*udata.u_base == '\n') _putc('\r'); _putc(*udata.u_base); } ++udata.u_base; } return(towrite); } tty_open(minor) int minor; { return(0); } tty_close(minor) int minor; { return(0); } tty_ioctl(minor) int minor; { return(-1); } /* This tty interrupt routine checks to see if the uart receiver actually caused the interrupt. If so it adds the character to the tty input queue, echoing and processing backspace and carriage return. If the queue contains a full line, it wakes up anything waiting on it. If it is totally full, it beeps at the user. */ tty_int() { register char c; register found; char oc; found = 0; again: if( (in(0x72)&0x81) != 0x81 ) return (found); c = in(0x73) & 0x7f; if (c==0x1a) /* ^Z */ idump(); /* For debugging */ if (c == '\003') /* ^C */ sendsig(NULL, SIGINT); else if (c == '\017') /* ^O */ flshflag = !flshflag; else if (c == '\023') /* ^S */ stopflag = 1; else if (c == '\021') /* ^Q */ { stopflag = 0; wakeup(&stopflag); } else if (c == '\b') { if (uninsq(&ttyinq,&oc)) { if (oc == '\n') insq(&ttyinq,oc); /* Don't erase past newline */ else { _putc('\b'); _putc(' '); _putc('\b'); } } } else { if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { c = '\n'; _putc('\r'); } if (insq(&ttyinq,c)) _putc(c); else _putc('\007'); /* Beep if no more room */ } if (c == '\n' || c == '\004') /* ^D */ wakeup(&ttyinq); found = 1; goto again; /* Loop until the uart has no data ready */ } #ifdef vax _putc(c) char c; { write(1,&c,1); } #else _putc(c) char c; { while(!(in(0x72)&02)) ; out(c,0x73); } #endif