ENSOFT.COM 01-Apr-84 Keywords: FILTER WORDSTAR A program to convert an ASCII text file to Wordstar document mode. Makes educated guesses about where to put soft and hard carriage returns as well as soft spaces. UNSOFT.COM 01-Apr-84 Keywords: WORDSTAR FILTER A program to convert Wordstar document-mode files to normal ASCII text files. Resets all high order bits added by Wordstar to zero. Removes all control characters except TAB, FF, CR and LF. Strips out dot commands except .PA which it converts to FF. Changes the 1FH soft hyphen at end-of-line to a real 2DH hyphen. (FILTX2 would totally remove the character.) Handles non-break-space correctly. Type UNSOFT ? for additional information. NOTE: If for any reason you do not wish to retain FF (form feed) characters, you can run the program through FILTX.COM after first using UNSOFT.COM. - These versions by Paul Homchick One Radnor Station Suite 300 Radnor, PA 19087