TPSAVE is a text salvager which was originally written for salvaging text from memory after a WordStar crash. With slight modification, however, the program serves as a text saver for Turbo Pascal and VDO text buffers. The advantages of this program are: 1. It is very small -- less than 2k. 2. It is very fast since it was written in assembly language. 3. It will save the buffer without needing a "search phrase". 4. Because of its small size, it can be used for programs such as VDO, which have their buffers quite close to the start of TPA. Disadvantages include: 1. It is "program-specific" in that the buffer address for the text buffer to be saved is a fixed address and must match the address of the text buffer for the editor which you are using. This means the program must be revised for each revision of your editor. 2. It will occasionally save more than the text which was present in the text buffer. This means you must have plenty of disk space available for the salvaged text file. 3. VDO keeps text in the buffer without line feeds after carriage returns. When the buffer is placed into the salvage file, the line feeds are, therefore, missing at the end of each line. In order to "clean up" such a file, it must be re-loaded into VDO and then saved again to disk. This will restore the line feeds. Program operation is self-explanatory. TXTSAVER.ASM explains how to change the buffer address equate for use with various editors and also includes a short program history. In the versions provided (files below) the text buffer address is at locations 01E7h and 01E8h and may be patched for new revisions with DDT. Other files: TP1SAVE.COM -- for Turbo Pascal editor v1.0 TP2SAVE.COM -- for Turbo Pascal editor v2.0 TP3SAVE.COM -- for Turbo Pascal editor v3.0 VDOSAVE.COM -- for the VDO text editor v2.5 WS3SAVE.COM -- for the WordStar editor v3.3