program FQ; { 8/31/87 } (*-------------------------------------------------------------------- FINDLQ.PAS VERSION 1.1 Library Utility to find a string in squeezed or ASCII file members of a library. This bugger is slow, but it works! future enhancements: allow printer enabling at the screen or directory level allow display of one line at a time from paused view mode allow wildcarding for all disk files? allow specifying a string to "find & read"--viewing the file does not begin until the section where the string is found read file into memory for forward / backward scrolling fixes: 10/20/87 JF the [more]... prompt no longer appears when printing to printer or file and the version number no longer appears twice in the Help screen. If pause has been disabled, the fill lines (blank lines) at the end of the file now obey the delay setting. The delay intervals have been lengthened because I couldn't keep up with it while reading at slowest speed (8). ----------------------------------------------------------------------*) {$V-,C-} const version = 'FINDLQ version 1.1'; null = #0; abort = #3; bell = #7; bksp = #8; tab = #9; lnfd = #10; cr = #13; esc = #27; space = ' '; conin = 1; type str12 = string[12]; str16 = string[16]; name = string[14]; longname = string[25]; filbuffer = array[0..127] of byte; line = string[80]; person = string[27]; long = string[150]; var fnArray : array[1..99] of str12; curuser, L , register_A : byte; libfile: file; libbuff: filbuffer; libeof: boolean; message: name; buffer: long; libsects, charcount, lastspace, bufpointer, width: integer; caps: boolean; ch,exitchar, bl, lf, bs : char; fstr : str16; continue : char; lptr, a,lct,fullct, D : integer; pause, fileout, conout, finding, cancelled : boolean; upl, outl, inbuffer : line; dev : text; lastarg : longname; function match: boolean; begin match := (pos(fstr,upl) > 0) or not(finding); end; procedure sendout(ch: char); begin if not (finding) then begin write(dev,ch); lptr := succ(lptr); if ch = cr then lptr := 0; if ch = tab then begin if (lptr mod 8) = 0 then {attempted fix} begin write(' '); lptr := succ(lptr); end; repeat write (' '); lptr := succ(lptr); until (lptr mod 8) = 0 ; end; end else begin if (ch = tab) then begin outl := outl + ' '; upl := upl + ' '; repeat outl := outl + ' '; upl := upl + ' '; until ((length(outl) mod 8) = 0); end else outl := outl + ch; if (ch = cr) or (ch = #$8D) or (length(outl) = 80) then begin upl := outl; if fstr = paramstr(2) then begin for a := 1 to length(upl) do upl[a] := upcase(outl[a]); end; if match then begin for a:= 1 to length(outl) do write(dev,outl[a]); end; outl := ''; upl := ''; end; end; end; procedure searchlib(infile: name; var result, libsects: integer); {Library-file support adapted from DELIB.PAS by Bela Lubkin of Borland International.} var showbuff : longname; temp: name; dirlength, offset, firstsec, loop, chrpos: integer; begin firstsec := 0; libsects := 0; blockread(libfile, libbuff, 1); if libbuff[0] <> 0 then result := 1; loop := 1; while (result = 0) and (loop <= 11) do begin {step through libbuff from byte 1 to 11 until you encounter something other than a space (decimal 32) -- set result to 1 on first non-space } if libbuff[loop] <> 32 then result := 1; loop := loop + 1; end; result := result + libbuff[12] + libbuff[13]; if result = 0 then begin dirlength := libbuff[14] + 256*libbuff[15]; if dirlength = 0 then result := 1; end; if result = 0 then begin loop := 0; while (loop < 4*dirlength-1) and (result = 0) and (firstsec = 0) do begin loop := loop + 1; offset := 32*(loop mod 4); if offset = 0 then blockread(libfile, libbuff, 1); { the following line is commented out because with it the program would not } { recognize any files beyond the first deleted library entry [joe fremer] } { if libbuff[offset] <> 0 then result := 1 else begin } if libbuff[offset] = 0 then begin temp := ''; for chrpos := 1 to 8 do if libbuff[offset + chrpos] <> 32 then temp := temp + chr(libbuff[offset + chrpos]); if libbuff[offset + 9] <> 32 then begin temp := temp + '.'; for chrpos := 9 to 11 do if libbuff[offset + chrpos] <> 32 then temp := temp + chr(libbuff[offset + chrpos]); end; if (infile = 'DIR') then fnArray[Loop] := temp; {begin showbuff := temp; while length(showbuff) < 15 do showbuff := showbuff + ' '; write(showbuff,':'); end;} if infile = temp then begin firstsec := libbuff[offset+12] + 256*libbuff[offset+13]; libsects := libbuff[offset+14] + 256*libbuff[offset+15]; seek(libfile, firstsec); end; end; end; if infile = 'DIR' then result := 0; end; end; procedure libassign(filename: longname; var result: integer); var infile: name; slash: integer; library: boolean; begin result := 0; slash := pos('/', filename); library := (slash > 0); if library then begin infile := copy(filename, slash + 1, length(filename) - slash); filename := copy(filename, 1, slash - 1); if pos('.', filename) = 0 then filename := filename + '.LBR'; end; assign(libfile, filename); {$I-} reset(libfile) {$I+}; result := IOresult; if result = 0 then if library then searchlib(infile, result, libsects) else libsects := filesize(libfile); libeof := (libsects = 0); end; procedure libblockread(var fileblock: filbuffer); begin if libsects > 0 then blockread(libfile, fileblock, 1); libsects := libsects - 1; if libsects = 0 then libeof := true; end; {$I} procedure Showarray; {takes the array of member file names and outputs them, numbered, to the screen 4 wide and 20 down} var DArray : array[1..4,1..20] of str16; m,n : byte; G : string[2]; begin fillchar(Darray,sizeof(DArray),0); L := 1; repeat m := (trunc(L div 20)+1) ; n := ((L-1) mod 20) + 1; if length(fnArray[L]) > 0 then begin Str(L:2,G); DArray[m,n] := G + ' ' + fnArray[L] + ' '; while length(DArray[m,n]) < 16 do DArray[m,n] := Darray[m,n] + ' '; L := succ(L); end else L := 100; until (L=100) ; L := 1;{`} for n:= 1 to 20 do begin for m := 1 to 4 do begin if length(Darray[m,n]) > 0 then write(DArray[m,n],' '); {1,1 2,1 3,1 4,1 5,1; 1,2 2,2 3,2 etc.} L := succ(L); end; writeln; end; {for} end; {$I} procedure parsefilename(parameter : longname; var fnm : longname); var a , ubyte : integer; user : string[2]; begin a := pos(':',parameter); if (a = 0) or (upcase(parameter[pred(a)]) in ['A'..'P']) then fnm := parameter else begin if parameter[pred(a)] in ['0'..'9'] then begin if (parameter[1] in ['0'..'9'] ) then begin user := copy(parameter,1,a - 1); fnm := copy(parameter,succ(a),length(parameter) - a); end else if parameter[1] in ['A'..'P'] then begin fnm := parameter[1] + copy(parameter,a,length(parameter) - pred(a)); user := copy(parameter,2,a - 2); end; end; val(user,ubyte,a); {NOTE : the following lines must be commented out for MS-DOS use} curuser := bdos($20,$FF); bdos($20,ubyte); end; end; var nw : boolean; ifn,fn : longname; result : integer; filnum : integer; outfile : name; begin fillchar(fnArray,sizeof(fnArray),0); nw := false; assign(dev,'CON:'); conout := true; fileout := false; cancelled := false; fstr := ''; lastarg := ''; outfile := ''; curuser := 99; {this way we can tell if the user number has changed} writeln(version); {paramstr and paramcount are for Turbo Pascal version 3.0 or greater} if paramcount = 0 then Help; lastarg := paramstr(paramcount); if lastarg = 'P' then begin assign(dev,'LST:'); conout := false; end; if lastarg = 'F' then begin FILEOUT := TRUE; conout := false; write('Output file name: '); read(outfile); assign(dev,outfile); {$I+} rewrite(dev); {$I-} if ioresult <> 0 then begin write(' error: that file exists.'); halt; end; end; parsefilename(paramstr(1),fn); {sets the user number if du: filespec is used} if ((paramcount = 2) and (conout)) or (paramcount > 2) then fstr := paramstr(2); ifn := ''; if (pos('/',fn) = 0) and ((pos('.LBR',fn) = pos('.',fn))) and (paramcount > 0 ) then begin ifn := ''; filnum := 0; cancelled := false; writeln; repeat typefile(fn + '/DIR',nw); {loads fnArray} if (fstr <> paramstr(2)) or (paramcount = 1) then BEGIN showarray; writeln; write('Enter number of file to read-->'); repeat readln(ifn); if (ifn = '') then begin cancelled := true ; result := 0; end else begin val(ifn,filnum,result); if (result <> 0) or (filnum > 80) then write(^G); end; until result = 0; ifn := fnArray[filnum]; ifn := fn + '/' + ifn; writeln; if not(cancelled) then begin write('String to find: '); readln(fstr); end; if fstr = '' then finding := false else finding := true; END ELSE {there is a string-to-find on the command line} begin if keypressed then cancelled := true; finding := true; filnum := succ(filnum); if fnArray[filnum] = '' then cancelled := true else ifn := fn + '/' + fnArray[filnum]; end; if not (cancelled) then typefile(ifn,nw); until cancelled ; end else begin writeln; if fstr = '' then begin write('String to find: '); readln(fstr); end; if fstr = '' then finding := false else finding := true; typefile(fn,nw); end; IF FILEOUT THEN begin if curuser < 99 then bdos($20,curuser); CLOSE(DEV); end; END.