F I G version 1.4 FOG Index Generator by Lee David Rimar 1988, No Rights Reserved PURPOSE: FIG analyzes text files and generates readability statistics. One of these statistics is a FOG index. This is roughly the reading level needed to understand the text. For example, a FOG index of 8 means the text should be understandable by an 8th grader. FIG also offers comments and suggestions on ways to make the text more readable. Paying attention to these can might not make you a better writer, but they could help simplify your writing. When writing for the general public, a FOG index of 8 to 10 is desirable. If it's much higher, the writing may seem overbearing. Much lower, and the writing may seem choppy. According to FIG, this file has a FOG index of 8. HOW TO USE IT: Extract all the files in this library. Then, at your A> prompt, enter: FIG filename.typ where "filename.typ" is the name of the file you want to check. If FIG can't find the file, it will as you to enter the name again. On CP/M's command line, you can type the file in UPPER or lower case -- but if FIG prompts you for the file name, use UPPER CASE only. FIG takes anywhere from 5 to 30 seconds to generate the statistics, depending on how long the file is. HOW FIG READS FILES: FIG needs at least 100 words of text to give accurate results. Up to a point, more text means more reliable results. To balance accuracy against extra analysis time, FIG "samples" long files instead of reading them completely. On short files, FIG reads and analyzes everything. But on longer files, FIG stops reading at the end of the first sentence it finds after 2980 words. If FIG can't find the end of a sentence after 2980 words, it just stops reading on the 3000th word. Also, FIG will never read more than the first 16K of a file. LIMITATIONS: FIG only analyzes some of the mechanics of writing; it doesn't understand context. It may not be reliable analyzing technical writing or material with a specialized vocabulary. FIG works best on "blocks" of text, paragraph or line oriented. Using it on files with many headings (like this document), unconventional . . . punctuation :-) or columns will not give accurate results. COMPILING: If you wish to recompile this program (eg, after modification), use the following commands with BASCOM and L80: BASCOM FIG14=FIG14/O/Z see note below about /O switch L80 FIG,,CTAIL,FIG/N/E links FIG14.REL with OBSLIB.REL and CTAIL.REL, to make FIG.COM CTAIL.REL is included in this library. These instructions assume all files are present on the logged disk. If they're not, you'll have to enter the appropriate drive specs. NOTE: If you don't use the /O switch with BASCOM, L80 will make a much smaller COM file (about 4K). However, this smaller version will need BRUN.COM in order to run. LEGAL? NOTICE: This program is "public domain" in the full sense of the word. So many people have contributed to it (see CREDITS below) that all I can take credit for is the current structure and details of the code. Use it at home, at work, give it to your friends, whatever. You can even (try to) sell it, but I doubt you'll find any buyers. Modify it if you like -- but be nice and pass your changes on; back into the public domain. Flip side: There are no guarantees of any kind with this program. I won't be held responsible for anything related to it, period. -- CREDITS -- This is an extensive re-work of WRITER.BAS, which originally appeared in CODEWORKS magazine. All text files in this library were composed/edited with Eric Meyer's VDE265.COM. CTAIL.REL came from a library of public domain relocatable modules for BASCOM/L80. I found them on an RCP/M a long time ago -- I'd credit the author here if I knew his name. -- CLOSING COMMENTS -- I can be contacted on either of the following bulletin boards: Detroit Area Kaypro User's Group RBBS: (313) 772-0522 Tony's Corner QBBS (FidoNet 120/13): (313) 754-1131 Bug reports, suggestions, etc. about this program (or any other) are always welcome. As are gifts of modifications, gifts of food, and/or job offers :-) Lee David Rimar Ferndale, Michigan 20 June, 1988 -eof-