BISHOW v3.03 - Buffered Bidirectional File Scroll Utility BISHOW is a buffered, bidirectional version of SHOW.ASM, which first appeared in Interface Age, November, 1981. That program could only scroll forward in a file, and read sectors from disk one at a time as they were sent to the console. Bishow has been updated to display library member files, and will also display squeezed files whether or not they are enclosed in libraries, but it is possible to assemble a very short (1k) version that doesn't include the code for squeezed or library files. Typing BISHOW (with no file name) will show whether your version works on library files, on squeezed files, or both, or neither. Typing BISHOW UNKNOWNZ.LBR (no member name) will show the .LBR directory. Then type BISHOW UNKNOWNZ MEMBER.FIL to read a member file from the library. To move around in the file you're reading, use the Wordstar cursor key pad, including ^S^D for horizontal scrolling. Press 1 or T to jump back to the top of the file. Press Q to quit (leaving the screen intact) or ESC to quit (clearing the screen). See BISHOW32.ME for a handy list of all the command keys for both the short and the long versions. You will need the original 48k ASM file to assemble the long 4k version that includes help (and other stuff that really isn't worth the extra 2k), or to install unsupported terminals, or to change the command key mapping. This bidirectional version uses random access reads. In addition, buffering was added so that the number of disk reads would be reduced, and moving back and forth in a moderate sized file would be speeded up. There is a trade off between the size of the buffer and the length of time it takes to refill the buffer which should be set to the user's preference. There are several customizing items in this program. One is the equate "maxsec" which sets the buffer size. Another is the string in the subroutine "clrscr" just after the org statement. This should be changed to erase the screen and home the cursor for the user's terminal. The program, as written, requires a terminal with an erase screen and home cursor function. Some terminals do not allow the 80th column to be filled without going to the next line. For this reason, the screen width ("maxchr") initially is set to 79. The screen sizes can be changed using the "S" (screen) command. The parameters that can be changed are the maximum column displayed ("maxchr"), the minimum column displayed (allowing you to "window" the output), and the number of lines ("scroln"). A zero for the maximum column displayed will give and unlimited screen width. The maximum column displayed and the number of lines can be set when calling BISHOW, e.g., "BISHOW file.nam 79 24" will give 79 columns and 24 lines, and "BISHOW file.nam 79" will give 79 columns with the default number of lines. The last customizing item is the "short" equate. If this is chosen, the multiplicity of command forms is not allowed (see the beginning to change the commands used), and certain messages are shortened. This will allow BISHOW to fit into a 1K area. Direct I/O to the console is used to avoid echoing the commands to the console as the CP/M write console function does. Version 3.03, 29 Sep 86, Charlie Kestner, Hammond, Ind - clarified the LIBRARY AND SQUEEZE help message since this is probably version MOST folk would use. - eliminated having to use control key. Now just plain S, D, E, X, E, & C function for Wordstar users. - changed over some of the command keys for folk who like to use cursor/numeric pad. NO need to shift the numeric pad, plain numbers will do it. - long help key is now "/".