program OSTWDEMO; (* DEMO PROGRAM FOR WINDOW PROCEDURES *) (* by Claude Ostyn - March 21, 1986 *) (* to draw boxes around windows *) (*$I OSBTWIND.INC *) var testline: string[255]; I : integer; Ch : char; procedure ShowABunchOfStuff; var D : integer; begin D := trunc(Random(3) * 10); for I := 1 to 4 do for Ch := '!' to '~' do begin write(Ch); Delay(D); end; end; begin (* demo *) ClrScr; InitVideo; Randomize; SetVideo(NormalV); MakeWindow(1,20,52,23); Delay(200); GotoXY(20,2); write('Claude''s windows mini-demo'); MakeWindow(25,4,40,16); ShowABunchOfStuff; MakeWindow(2,2,20,6); ShowABunchOfStuff; Window(15,7,50,14); ClrScr; ShowABunchOfStuff; SetVideo(DimV); ShowABunchOfStuff; setVideo(BrightV); Delay(200); Window(35,9,45,12); ClrScr; Delay(200); GotoXY(2,3); Write ('Hi there!'); FullScreen; MakeWindow(1,20,52,23); ShowABunchOfStuff; ClrScr; writeln('Input anything:'); readln(testline); ClrScr; write(testline); Delay(300); MakeWindow(1,2,52,24); Ch := 'a'; for I := 1 to 50 * 36 do begin if Ch = '~' then Ch := '!'; write (Ch); Ch := succ(Ch); if (I > 50 * 22) and (I < 50 * 27) then Delay(20); end; FullScreen; GotoXY(1,1); write('Done - press any key to exit'); repeat until keypressed; DeInitVideo; ClrScr; end.