PROGRAM PROG7; {$U+ Copyright (C), 1985 by Lyle Faurot. All rights reserved. New Topics: REPEAT statement CHAR data type } VAR Response : Char; Correct_Response : Boolean; BEGIN WriteLn('Turbo Pascal seems to '); WriteLn; WriteLn('A. Run faster than other Pascals.'); WriteLn('B. Compile faster than others.'); WriteLn('C. Take less room in memory.'); WriteLn('D. All of the above.'); WriteLn; REPEAT Write('Enter your choice - A, B, C, or D: '); ReadLn(Response); WriteLn; If (Response = 'D') or (Response = 'd') THEN Correct_Response := True ELSE Correct_Response := False; If Correct_Response THEN WriteLn('Right!') ELSE WriteLn('Wrong choice, try again.'); UNTIL Correct_Response; END.