PROGRAM PROG3; {$U+ Copyright (C), 1985 by Lyle Faurot. All rights reserved. New Topics: Comments Output with the Write and WriteLn statements Compiler directive - $U+ Note that this block of comments, extending over several lines is included between a single set of brackets at the left. $U+ is a special form of comment, called a compiler directive. This directive, $U+, will appear in most of the sample programs to make sure you can terminate a program without having to reboot. (More about compiler directives later.) } (* Parentheses and asterisks can also be used to enclose a comment *) BEGIN WriteLn('* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'); {Note that comments } WriteLn('* *'); {placed at the end of a } WriteLn('* TURBO-LESSON 3 *'); {statement line should } WriteLn('* *'); {be bracketed on the } WriteLn('* Edited, Compiled, Executed by *'); {same line. A multiline } WriteLn('* (put your name here) *'); {comment, like the one at} WriteLn('* *'); {the beginning of this } WriteLn('* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'); {program would include } { some of the non-comment statements, making them ineffective. } {The fact that statements can be temporarily killed by commenting them out illustrates the usefulness of a second type of comment delimiter. Try killing several of the WriteLn statements above by inserting (* to the left of the first statement to be killed and *) to the left of the statement AFTER the last statement to be killed. Run the program to see the results. } WriteLn; Write ('Check carefully when '); Write ('you run this program. '); Write ('How many lines '); WriteLn('are printed'); WriteLn('by this last set of Write and WriteLn statements?'); END. {PRG3}