PROCEDURE PAGE(VAR fx: TEXT); BEGIN WRITELN(fx); WRITE(fx, form_feed); END; { FUNCTYPE: } { Do binary search for keyword in 'key' list. If found, return } { TRUE, else FALSE. } Function Find_in_Reserve(var kword: alfa) : boolean; Label Return; Var low, high, mid : integer; Begin low := 1; high := NUMKEYS; while (low <= high) do begin mid := (low+high) div 2; if kword < key[mid] then high := mid - 1 else if kword > key[mid] then low := mid + 1 else begin Find_in_Reserve := TRUE; goto Return; end; end; Find_in_Reserve := FALSE; Return: End; {$W3 } PROCEDURE BuildTree(VAR tree: treepointer; VAR INFILE: GenStr); VAR CurrentWord : alfa; FIN : TEXT; { local input file } currchar, { Current operative character } nextchar : charinfo; { Look-ahead character } flushing : (KNOT, DBL, STD, LIT, SCANFN, SCANFN2); fname : string[30]; DoInclude : boolean; { TRUE if we discovered include file } fbuffer : string[255]; { Format buffer - before final Print } LineIn : string[255]; LineInLast : string[255]; cp : 0..255; xeof, { EOF status AFTER a read } xeoln : BOOLEAN; { EOLN status after a read } PROCEDURE Entertree(VAR subtree: treepointer; Word : alfa; line :counter); VAR nextitem : Queuepointer; BEGIN IF subtree=nil THEN BEGIN {create a new entry} NEW(subtree); WITH subtree^ DO BEGIN left := nil; right := nil; WITH entry DO BEGIN Wordvalue := Word; NEW(FirstInQueue); LastinQueue := FirstInQueue; WITH FirstInQueue^ DO BEGIN linenumber := line; NextInQueue := nil; END;{WITH FirstInQueue} END;{WITH entry} END;{WITH subtree} END {create a new entry} ELSE {append a list item} WITH subtree^, entry DO IF Word=Wordvalue THEN BEGIN IF lastinQueue^.linenumber <> line THEN BEGIN NEW(nextitem); WITH Nextitem^ DO BEGIN linenumber := line; NextInQueue := nil; END;{WITH} lastinQueue^.NextInQueue := Nextitem; lastinQueue := nextitem; END; END ELSE IF Word < Wordvalue THEN Entertree(left,Word,line) ELSE Entertree(right,Word,line); END;{Entertree} {$W2} Procedure ReadC({updating} VAR nextchar : charinfo; {returning}VAR currchar : charinfo ); Var Look : char; { Character read in from File } BEGIN {+++ File status module. +++ Stores file status "AFTER" a read. NOTE this play on words - after one char is actually "PRIOR TO" the next character } if xeoln then begin LineInLast := LineIn; if (not EOF(FIN)) then begin readln(FIN, LineIn); cp := 0; xeoln := FALSE; end else xeof := TRUE; end; if cp >= length(LineIn) then begin xeoln := TRUE; xeof := EOF(FIN); Look := ' '; end else begin cp := cp + 1; Look := LineIn[cp]; End; {+++ current operative character module +++} currchar := nextchar; {+++ Classify the character just read +++} WITH nextchar DO BEGIN{ Look-ahead character name module } IF xeof THEN name := FileMark ELSE IF xeoln THEN name := EndOfLine ELSE IF Look IN ['a'..'z'] THEN {lower case plus} name := lletter ELSE IF Look IN ['^','$','_','A'..'Z'] THEN {upper case} name := uletter ELSE IF Look IN ['0'..'9'] THEN {digit} name := digit ELSE IF Look = '''' THEN name := quote ELSE IF Look = TAB THEN name := atab ELSE IF Look = space THEN name := blank ELSE name := otherchar; CASE name of{ store character value module } EndOfLine, FileMark: Valu := space; lletter: Valu := upcase(look); { Cnvrt to uppcase } ELSE valu := look; END{ case name of }; End{ Look-ahead character name module }; END; {of ReadC} PROCEDURE GetL( VAR fbuffer : GenStr ); {++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {+ Get a line of text into users buffer. +} {+ Flushes comment lines: +} {+ Flushes lines of Literals: 'this is it' +} {+ Ignores special characters & tabs: +} {+ Recognizes End of File and End of Line. +} {+ +} {+GLOBAL +} {+ flushing : (KNOT, DBL, STD, LIT, SCANFN); +} {+ LLmax = 0..Max Line length; +} {++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} VAR state : (scanning, terminal, overflow); sawdot : boolean; BEGIN { GetL } fbuffer := ''; fname := ''; fatal_error := FALSE; state := scanning; REPEAT ReadC(nextchar, currchar); IF (length(fbuffer) >= LLmax) THEN{ exceeded length of buffer } BEGIN{ reset EOLN } fatal_error := TRUE; state := overflow; fbuffer := ''; WRITE(bell); WRITELN('EXCEEDED LENGTH OF INPUT BUFFER'); END ELSE BEGIN IF ( IN [FileMark,EndOfLine]) THEN state:=terminal{ END of line or END of file }; CASE flushing of KNOT: CASE of lletter, uletter, digit, blank: BEGIN{ store } fbuffer := concat(FBUFFER,CURRCHAR.VALU) ; END; atab, quote, otherchar: BEGIN{ Flush comments -convert tabs & other chars to spaces } IF (currchar.valu='(') and (nextchar.valu='*') THEN flushing := DBL ELSE IF (currchar.valu='{') THEN flushing := STD ELSE IF THEN flushing := LIT; { convert to a space } fbuffer := concat(fbuffer,GAP); END; ELSE { END of line -or- file mark } fbuffer := concat(fbuffer,currchar.valu) END{ case currchar name of }; DBL: { scanning for a closing - double comment } IF (currchar.valu ='*') and (nextchar.valu =')') THEN flushing := KNOT; STD: begin { scanning for a closing curley } IF currchar.valu = '}' THEN flushing := KNOT; { Check if incl } if (currchar.valu = '$') and (nextchar.valu = 'I') then flushing := SCANFN; end; LIT: { scanning for a closing quote } IF = quote THEN flushing := KNOT; SCANFN: if (nextchar.valu<>' ') and (nextchar.valu<>TAB) then begin flushing := SCANFN2; SAWDOT := FALSE; end; SCANFN2: if (currchar.valu in ['A'..'Z','0'..'9','.']) then begin fname := concat(fname, currchar.valu); if currchar.valu = '.' then SAWDOT := TRUE; end else begin if length(fname) = 0 then { Make sure we ignore $I-} DoInclude := FALSE { compiler directive } else begin if not SAWDOT then fname := Concat(fname, '.PAS'); DoInclude := TRUE; end; flushing := STD; end; END{ flushing case } END{ ELSE } UNTIL (state<>scanning); END; {of GetL} PROCEDURE ReadWord; {++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} {+ +} {+ Analyze the Line into "words" +} {+ +} {++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} LABEL 1; VAR ix, {temp indexer} idlen, {length of the word} Cpos : BYTE; { Current Position pointer } BEGIN{ ReadWord } Cpos := 1; { start at the beginning of a line } WHILE Cpos < length(fbuffer) DO BEGIN {Cpos space) DO BEGIN{ accept only non-spaces } IF idlen < MaxWordlen THEN BEGIN idlen := idlen + 1; CurrentWord[idlen] := fbuffer[Cpos]; END; Cpos := Cpos +1; END{ WHILE }; CurrentWord[0] := chr(idlen); IF length(CurrentWord)=0 THEN {no word was found} GOTO 1; IF (not Find_in_Reserve(CurrentWord)) and {check if reserved word} (not (CurrentWord[1] in ['0'..'9'])) then {or numeric constant} EnterTree(tree,CurrentWord,Currentline); 1:{Here is no word }; END; {WHILE Cpos 0 THEN BEGIN WRITE(BELL); WRITELN('File ',INFILE,' not found !!!!!!'); fatal_error := TRUE; END; := blank; { Initialize next char to a space } nextchar.valu := space; ReadC({update} nextchar, { Initialize current char to space } {returning} currchar); { First char from file in nextchar } write ('.'); WHILE ((<>filemark) AND (NOT fatal_error)) DO BEGIN Currentline := Currentline + 1; GetL(fbuffer) { attempt to read the first line }; Writeln(Fout, Currentline:6,': ',LineInLast); IF listing THEN Writeln(Currentline:6,': ',LineInLast) else BEGIN if (CurrentLine mod 50) = 0 then writeln(' ',Currentline:0,' lines read'); write ('.'); END; { else if (Currentline mod 100) = 0 then writeln('ON LINE : ',Currentline:0); } ReadWord; {Analyze the Text into single 'words' } if DoInclude then Begin BuildTree(tree, fname); { recursively do include } DoInclude := FALSE; end; END; {While} close(FIN); writeln (' ',Currentline:0,' total lines read'); END; {of BuildTree}{CLOSE(PRN_ID);}