{ WATSNU - 04-09-85 A self-maintaining replacement for the WHATSNEW program, ( "D" ), seen on many RCP/M systems. WATSNU is easily set up, all that is required is to set the constants: File_name, Drive, and User to the name of your XMODEM log file, (version 10.0 or greater), and the drive and user number of where it is kept. If your log file is XMODEM.LOG on A15:, then you can use the COM file contained in the package without modification, otherwise recompile the program, and let it run. The program does it's own managing of the drive/user area that it was executed from, and will return you there at completion. The program has been tested under CP/M 2.2, and TurboDOS 1.3, (you should see it fly under buffered I/O with TurboDOS!) Enjoy... Mark Pulver, GP Software = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Legaities This program is the sole property of GP Software. It is distributed in source form for those who wish to make enhancements to it, or to fix problems that have not shown up locally. The source or object may not be distributed without the copyright notices intact, and under no circumstances for commercial use. If the program is updated in anyway, I would appreciate a copy uploaded to the AIMS RCP/M (312) 789-0499. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - Revisions - 04-09-85 1.3 Added display line counter for pause MJP 03-20-85 1.2 TurboDOS dictactes that you will not warm start back to whence you came, but to the last D/U accessed MJP 03-12-85 1.1 Added progress display MJP 03-10-85 1.0 Re-write of XMNEW version 2.1 for Turbo Pascal Mark Pulver AIMS - 312/ 789-0499 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = } Type Records = string[65]; var Log_file : text; Temp, File_rec : records; Uploads : array [1..100] of records; dummy : string[1]; x, upload_cnt : integer; org_disk, org_user, line_count, progress : byte; const File_name = 'XMODEM.LOG'; Drive = 'A'; User = 15; Version = '1.3'; Max_line = 18; { = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = } procedure pause; begin write('[ Any key to continue ] '); read(kbd,dummy); write(chr(13)); end; { = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = } begin Writeln; Writeln('WATSNU v',version,' - (c) 1985 GP Software'); Write ('Scanning upload log '); org_disk := bdos(25); org_user := bdos(32,$0FF); bdos(14,ord(drive) - 65); bdos(32,user); assign(Log_file, File_name); reset(Log_file); progress := 0; upload_cnt := 0; line_count := max_line; while not eof(Log_file) do begin readln(Log_file, File_rec); progress := progress + 1; if progress = 15 then begin progress := 0; write('. '); end; if File_rec[1] = 'R' then begin Upload_cnt := Upload_cnt + 1; Uploads[Upload_cnt] := File_rec; end; end; writeln; writeln; writeln('File Area Uploaded By'); for x := Upload_cnt downto 1 do begin Temp := Uploads[x]; writeln( copy(temp,14,8),'.', copy(temp,22,3),' ', copy(temp,10,3),' ', copy(temp,43,length(temp)-42) ); line_count := line_count - 1; if line_count = 0 then begin pause; line_count := max_line; end end; bdos(14,org_disk); bdos(32,org_user); end.