program dbfiles; label stop; type AnyString = string [255]; FileName = string [11]; var NEW_FILE_NAME, File_Name: string [11]; f, f1, f2: Text; NL, Line: string [255]; X1, z, i, j, k, SpaceCount: integer; ch: char; texton: boolean; Get_File: string [11]; function Exist(FileN: Anystring): boolean; var F: file; begin {$I-} assign(F, FileN); reset(F); {$I+} if IOResult <> 0 then Exist := false else Exist := true; end; Procedure Check_It; begin NL := ''; j := 0; if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'STOR') then begin NL := NL + 'STORE'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'ENDI') then begin NL := NL + 'ENDIF'; j := 4; end else if (Copy(line, 1, 9) = 'APPE BLAN') then begin NL := NL + 'APPEND BLANK'; j := 9; end else if (Copy(line, 1, 4) = 'ACCE') then begin NL := NL + 'ACCEPT'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'DELE') then begin NL := NL + 'DELETE'; J := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'ENDC') then begin NL := NL + 'ENDCASE'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'ENDD') then begin NL := NL + 'ENDDO'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 7) = 'DO WHIL') then begin NL := NL + 'DO WHILE'; j := 7; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'ERAS') then begin NL := NL + 'ERASE'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'CANC') then begin NL := NL + 'CANCEL'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'CLEA') then begin NL := NL + 'CLEAR'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'CONT') then begin NL := NL + 'CONTINUE'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'DISP') then begin NL := NL + 'DISPLAY'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'EJEC') then begin NL := NL + 'EJECT'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'INPU') then begin NL := NL + 'INPUT'; j := 4 end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'RELE') then begin NL := NL + 'RELEASE'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'DELE') then begin NL := NL + 'DELETE'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'LOCA') then begin NL := NL + 'LOCATE'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'RETU') then begin NL := NL + 'RETURN'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'REPL') then begin NL := NL + 'REPLACE'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'REST') then begin NL := NL + 'RESTORE'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 9) = 'SELE PRIM') then begin NL := NL + 'SELECT PRIMARY'; j := 9; end else if (copy(line, 1, 9) = 'SELE SECO') then begin NL := NL + 'SELECT SECONDARY'; j := 9; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'CHAN') then begin NL := NL + 'CHANGE'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'COUN') then begin NL := NL + 'COUNT'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'INSE') then begin NL := NL + 'INSERT'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'RECA') then begin NL := NL + 'RECALL'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'RELE') then begin NL := NL + 'RELEASE'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'REPO') then begin NL := NL + 'REPORT'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'BROW') then begin NL := NL + 'BROWSE'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'RESE') then begin NL := NL + 'RESET'; j := 4; end else if (copy(line, 1, 7) = 'TOTA ON') then begin NL := NL + 'TOTAL ON'; j := 7; end else if (copy(line, 1, 9) = 'UPDA FROM') then begin NL := NL + 'UPDATE FROM'; j := 9; end; for i := j + 1 to length(line) do NL := NL + line[i]; line := NL; end; Procedure Offset; var tempcount: integer; begin tempcount := 0; while tempcount < Spacecount do begin write(f1, ' '); tempcount := tempcount + 1; end; end; Procedure PrintLine; begin if not texton then Offset; writeln(f1, line); if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'TEXT') or (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'text') or (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'Text') then texton := true; end; procedure expand_files; var line_count : integer; begin line_count:=0; ClrScr; writeln('Expanding line number: '); Assign(f, File_Name + '.PRG'); ReSet(f); Assign(f1, File_Name + '.NEW'); Rewrite(f1); Texton := false; SpaceCount := 0; While not Eof(f) do begin readln(f, Line); line_count:=line_count+1; write(line_count:4); Check_it; if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'ENDT') or (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'endt') or (copy(line, 1, 7) = 'Endtext') or (copy(line, 1, 7) = 'ENDTEXT') or (copy(line, 1, 7) = 'EndText') or (copy(line, 1, 7) = 'endtext') then texton := false; if copy(line, 1, 4) = 'CASE' then begin Offset; writeln(f1, '*'); end; if (copy(line, 1, 7) = 'DO WHIL') or (copy(line, 1, 2) = 'IF') or (copy(line, 1, 7) = 'DO CASE') then begin Offset; SpaceCount := SpaceCount + 2; writeln(f1, line); end else if (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'ENDC') or (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'ENDD') or (copy(line, 1, 4) = 'ENDI') then begin SpaceCount := SpaceCount - 2; Offset; writeln(f1, line); end else if copy(line, 1, 4) = 'ELSE' then begin SpaceCount := SpaceCount - 2; Offset; Writeln(f1, line); SpaceCount := SpaceCount + 2; end else PrintLine; end; close(f); close(f1); writeln; write(chr(7)); writeln; writeln('Your original file is stored as ',File_Name,'.PRG'); writeln('The expanded file is stored as ',File_Name,'.NEW'); writeln; write('Press [RETURN] to continue...'); read(kbd,ch); end; procedure compress_files; label start; var temp_file: string [12]; NL: string [255]; quote: boolean; texton: boolean; line_count : integer; Procedure CheckIt; begin if (copy(line, j, 5) = 'store') or (copy(line, j, 5) = 'STORE') then begin NL := NL + 'STOR'; j := j + 5; end else if copy(line, j, 2) = 'if' then begin NL := NL + 'IF'; j := j + 2; end else if (copy(line, j, 5) = 'endif') or (copy(line, j, 5) = 'ENDIF') then begin NL := NL + 'ENDI'; j := j + 5; end else if copy(line, j, 3) = 'set' then begin NL := NL + 'SET'; j := j + 3; end else if copy(line, j, 4) = 'case' then begin NL := NL + 'CASE'; j := j + 4; end else if (Copy(line, j, 12) = 'append blank') or (Copy(line, j, 12) = 'APPEND BLANK') then begin NL := NL + 'APPE BLAN'; j := j + 12; end else if (Copy(line, j, 6) = 'accept') or (Copy(line, j, 6) = 'ACCEPT') then begin NL := NL + 'ACCE'; j := j + 6; end else if (copy(line, j, 6) = 'delete') or (copy(line, j, 6) = 'DELETE') then begin NL := NL + 'DELE'; J := J + 6; end else if copy(line, j, 4) = 'edit' then begin NL := NL + 'EDIT'; j := j + 4; end else if (copy(line, j, 7) = 'endcase') or (copy(line, j, 7) = 'ENDCASE') then begin NL := NL + 'ENDC'; j := j + 7; end else if (copy(line, j, 5) = 'enddo') or (copy(line, j, 5) = 'ENDDO') then begin NL := NL + 'ENDD'; j := j + 5; end else if (copy(line, j, 8) = 'do while') or (copy(line, j, 8) = 'DO WHILE') then begin NL := NL + 'DO WHIL'; j := j + 8; end else if (copy(line, j, 5) = 'erase') or (copy(line, j, 5) = 'ERASE') then begin NL := NL + 'ERAS'; j := j + 5; end else if (copy(line, j, 6) = 'cancel') or (copy(line, j, 6) = 'CANCEL') then begin NL := NL + 'CANC'; j := j + 6; end else if (copy(line, j, 5) = 'clear') or (copy(line, j, 5) = 'CLEAR') then begin NL := NL + 'CLEA'; j := j + 5; end else if (copy(line, j, 8) = 'continue') or (copy(line, j, 8) = 'CONTINUE') then begin NL := NL + 'CONT'; j := j + 8; end else if (copy(line, j, 7) = 'display') or (copy(line, j, 7) = 'DISPLAY') then begin NL := NL + 'DISP'; j := j + 7; end else if copy(line, j, 4) = 'else' then begin NL := NL + 'ELSE'; j := j + 4; end else if (copy(line, j, 5) = 'eject') or (copy(line, j, 5) = 'EJECT') then begin NL := NL + 'EJEC'; j := j + 5; end else if (copy(line, j, 5) = 'input') or (copy(line, j, 5) = 'INPUT') then begin NL := NL + 'INPU'; j := j + 5; end else if (copy(line, j, 7) = 'release') or (copy(line, j, 7) = 'RELEASE') then begin NL := NL + 'RELE'; j := j + 7; end else if copy(line, j, 7) = 'do case' then begin NL := NL + 'DO CASE'; j := j + 7; end else if (copy(line, j, 6) = 'delete') or (copy(line, j, 6) = 'DELETE') then begin NL := NL + 'DELE'; j := j + 6; end else if copy(line, j, 4) = 'find' then begin NL := NL + 'FIND'; j := j + 4; end else if copy(line, j, 4) = 'goto' then begin NL := NL + 'GOTO'; j := j + 4; end else if copy(line, j, 4) = 'pack' then begin NL := NL + 'PACK'; j := j + 4; end else if (copy(line, j, 6) = 'locate') or (copy(line, j, 6) = 'LOCATE') then begin NL := NL + 'LOCA'; j := j + 6; end else if copy(line, j, 4) = 'loop' then begin NL := NL + 'LOOP'; j := j + 4; end else if copy(line, j, 4) = 'skip' then begin NL := NL + 'SKIP'; j := j + 4; end else if (copy(line, j, 6) = 'return') or (copy(line, j, 6) = 'RETURN') then begin NL := NL + 'RETU'; j := j + 6; end else if (copy(line, j, 7) = 'replace') or (copy(line, j, 7) = 'REPLACE') then begin NL := NL + 'REPL'; j := j + 7; end else if (copy(line, j, 7) = 'restore') or (copy(line, j, 7) = 'RESTORE') then begin NL := NL + 'REST'; j := j + 7; end else if (copy(line, j, 14) = 'select primary') or (copy(line, j, 14) = 'SELECT PRIMARY') then begin NL := NL + 'SELE PRIM'; j := j + 14; end else if (copy(line, j, 16) = 'select secondary') or (copy(line, j, 16) = 'SELECT SECONDARY') then begin NL := NL + 'SELE SECO'; j := j + 16; end else if copy(line, j, 3) = 'use' then begin NL := NL + 'USE'; j := j + 3; end else if (copy(line, j, 6) = 'change') or (copy(line, j, 6) = 'CHANGE') then begin NL := NL + 'CHAN'; j := j + 6; end else if (copy(line, j, 5) = 'count') or (copy(line, j, 5) = 'COUNT') then begin NL := NL + 'COUN'; j := j + 5; end else if (copy(line, j, 6) = 'insert') or (copy(line, j, 6) = 'INSERT') then begin NL := NL + 'INSE'; j := j + 6; end else if copy(line, j, 4) = 'list' then begin NL := NL + 'LIST'; j := j + 4; end else if copy(line, j, 4) = 'quit' then begin NL := NL + 'QUIT'; j := j + 4; end else if copy(line, j, 4) = 'read' then begin NL := NL + 'READ'; j := j + 4; end else if (copy(line, j, 6) = 'recall') or (copy(line, j, 6) = 'RECALL') then begin NL := NL + 'RECA'; j := j + 6; end else if (copy(line, j, 7) = 'release') or (copy(line, j, 7) = 'RELEASE') then begin NL := NL + 'RELE'; j := j + 7; end else if (copy(line, j, 6) = 'report') or (copy(line, j, 6) = 'REPORT') then begin NL := NL + 'REPO'; j := j + 6; end else if copy(line, j, 4) = 'wait' then begin NL := NL + 'WAIT'; j := j + 4; end else if (copy(line, j, 6) = 'browse') or (copy(line, j, 6) = 'BROWSE') then begin NL := NL + 'BROW'; j := j + 6; end else if (copy(line, j, 5) = 'reset') or (copy(line, j, 5) = 'RESET') then begin NL := NL + 'RESE'; j := j + 5; end else if copy(line, j, 7) = 'save to' then begin NL := NL + 'SAVE TO'; j := j + 7; end else if copy(line, j, 7) = 'copy to' then begin NL := NL + 'COPY TO'; j := j + 7; end else if (copy(line, j, 8) = 'total on') or (copy(line, j, 8) = 'TOTAL ON') then begin NL := NL + 'TOTA ON'; j := j + 8; end else if copy(line, j, 3) = 'sum' then begin NL := NL + 'SUM'; j := j + 3; end else if copy(line, j, 7) = 'sort to' then begin NL := NL + 'SORT TO'; j := j + 7; end else if copy(line, j, 7) = 'join to' then begin NL := NL + 'JOIN TO'; j := j + 7; end else if (copy(line, j, 11) = 'update from') or (copy(line, j, 11) = 'UPDATE FROM') then begin NL := NL + 'UPDA FROM'; j := j + 11; end else if copy(line, j, 2) = 'do' then begin NL := NL + 'DO'; j := j + 2; end; end; Procedure PrintLine; begin for i := j to length(line) do NL := NL + line[i]; end; Procedure IsSpace; begin if (line[i + 1] = '<') or (line[i + 1] = '>') or (line[i + 1] = '=') or (line[i + 1] = '+') or (line[i + 1] = '-') or (line[i + 1] = '*') or (line[i + 1] = '/') or (line[i + 1] = ',') then i := i + 1 else if (line[i - 1] = '<') or (line[i - 1] = '>') or (line[i - 1] = '=') or (line[i - 1] = '+') or (line[i - 1] = '-') or (line[i - 1] = '*') or (line[i - 1] = '/') or (line[i - 1] = ',') then i := i + 1; end; Procedure CommandLine; begin i := j; quote := false; while i <= length(line) do begin if (quote = false) and (line[i] = chr(34)) then quote := true else if (quote = false) and (line[i] = chr(39)) then quote := true else if (quote = true) and (line[i] = chr(34)) then quote := false else if (quote = true) and (line[i] = chr(39)) then quote := false; if (quote = false) and (line[i] = chr(32)) then IsSpace; NL := NL + line[i]; i := i + 1; end; end; begin ClrScr; line_count:=0; writeln('Compressing line number: '); texton := false; Assign(f, File_Name + '.PRG'); ReSet(f); Assign(f1, File_Name + '.HLD'); Rewrite(f1); Temp_File := File_Name + '.OLD'; If exist(Temp_File) then begin Assign(f2, Temp_file); Erase(f2); end; start: While not Eof(f) do begin readln(f, Line); line_count:=line_count+1; write(line_count:4); if Line = '' then goto start; ; j := 0; repeat j := j + 1; until line[j] <> ' '; if line[j] = '*' then goto start; if (copy(line, j, 4) = 'TEXT') or (copy(line, j, 4) = 'text') then begin texton := true; writeln(f1, 'TEXT'); goto start; end; if texton then if (copy(line, j, 7) = 'ENDTEXT') or (copy(line, j, 7) = 'endtext') or (copy(line, j, 4) = 'ENDT') or (copy(line, j, 4) = 'endt') then begin texton := false; writeln(f1, 'ENDT'); goto start; end else writeln(f1, line); if not texton then begin NL := ''; checkit; CommandLine; writeln(f1, NL); end; end; write(f1, ^Z); Close(f1); close(f); ReName(f, File_Name + '.OLD'); ReName(f1, File_Name + '.PRG'); writeln; writeln; write(chr(7)); writeln('Your original file is stored as ',File_Name,'.OLD'); writeln('The compressed file is now ',File_Name,'.PRG'); writeln; write('Press [RETURN] to continue...'); read(kbd,ch); end; procedure help_dbfiles; begin ClrScr; writeln; writeln( 'DBFILES.PAS - a program to compress dBase II files and restore them' ); writeln( ' back to a readable state. The program is a joining of' ); writeln( ' COMPDB.PAS and UNCOMPDB.PAS that I placed on several' ); writeln(' R/CPM systems.'); writeln; writeln('[E]xpand.'); writeln; writeln( 'This option will expand an a file that has been compressed with the' ); writeln( '[C] option. Proper indentation will be made and all abbreviated commands' ); writeln( 'will be changed to their original state i.e. APPE BLAN will become' ); writeln('APPEND BLANK.'); writeln; writeln('[C]ompress.'); writeln; writeln( 'This option will compress a dBase II command file. It eliminates spaces,' ); writeln( 'comment lines and abbreviates dBase II commands to four characters. This' ); writeln( 'give you a slight increase in speed and a considerable savings in disk' ); writeln('space.'); writeln; writeln; writeln('Dave McCourt Williamsport Pa.'); writeln; writeln('Press Return to continue...'); read(ch); end; procedure Main_Page; begin ClrScr; gotoXY(15, 5); write('dBase file Dave McCourt'); gotoXY(15, 10); write('Enter file name [max 8 char no file extent] '); gotoXY(15, 11); write('The .PRG will be added to the File name.'); gotoXY(15, 15); write('[E]xpand [C]ompress [H]elp {Q}uit'); read(kbd, ch); ch := UpCase(ch); if (ch = 'E') or (ch = 'C') then begin gotoXY(15, 13); write('Your file name -->:'); read(File_Name); if not exist(File_Name + '.PRG') then begin gotoXY(15, 15); write('This file is not on this disk. '); write(chr(7)); delay(500); write(chr(7)); delay(500); ch := ' '; end; end; end; BEGIN ch := ' '; while ch <> 'Q' do begin Main_page; if ch = 'C' then compress_files; if ch = 'E' then expand_files; if ch = 'H' then help_dbfiles; end; END.