[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [] [] [] [] [] SQZ.PAS USQZ.PAS CPM.INC TURBOSQZ.DQC [] [] SQZMAIN.INC USQZMAIN.INC DOS.INC [] [] [] [] [] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Turbo Pascal (Version 2.x or 3.x) source for a CP/M or MsDos/PcDos file "Squeezer" and "UnSqueezer". These file compression programs are compatible with CP/M public domain SQ.COM and USQ.COM (the "old-timers' standard"), as well as a recent MsDos public domain Squeezer, which stores the original file date and time. File CheckSums are developed and verified. The CPM.INC or DOS.INC files provide source compatibility between CP/M and MSDOS/PCDOS. Usage notes: (Sqz and USqz are parallel in operation.) 1 A file name (including wildcards) may be entered on the command line: A>SQZ *.PAS A>USQZ B:*.?Q? 2 Printer Echo may be turned on: A>SQZ *.PAS /P A>USQZ /P 3 If no file name was entered, you will be prompted for one (again, may include wildcards.) 4 Respond to prompt 3 with a blank file name (just ) to exit the program. 5 If the file/(s) are not found you return to prompt 3. 6 If the file(s) are found you may specify a different output drive. 7 File statistics are displayed, showing input and output file sizes and the output file size as a percentage of the input file size. 8 The CheckSum of the original file is stored upon Squeezing, and verified upon UnSqueezing (any discrepancy is displayed.) 9 When the file / all files have been processed, you return to prompt 3 to continue with more, or to exit. For a relatively complete version history and some specific programming notes, see TURBOSQZ.DOC, which is included in this library in squeezed form: USQZ TURBOSQZ.DQC Bob Berry CompuServe 76555,167