program rescue; (************************************************************************) { } { date: 21 AUGUST 85 author: Steve Mitton } { ver 2.0 } { purpose : Find lost text file in memory and write it to RESCUE.TXT. } { } { This program was primarily developed for the TURBO PASCAL } { programmer who sometimes neglects to save his program before } { trying to run it, loosing his program or updates in the } { process. No matter how cautious you are, having a program } { hang up in a loop or warm boot back to CP/M could be } { disastrous without the ability to 'rescue' the text that is } { still in memory. } { } (************************************************************************) const start = 16000.0; CharSet : set of char = [' '..'~']; cr = ^M; lf = ^J; crlf = ^M^J; maxint = 32767; AddrConv = 65536.0; linesize = 72; conin = 1; resetDOS = 13; closefile = 16; delfile = 19; writesector = 21; makefile = 22; setdma = 26; type FcbType = record dr : byte; name : array [1..11] of char; data : array [12..35] of byte end; var FileOut : FcbType; LocSt, LocEnd, Loc : real; drive, Achar, Command, response : char; Done, goodnum, StartSelected : boolean; procedure readchar(var anychar: char); (************************************************************************) { This procedure allows a response to be entered without a carriage } { return and translates all inputs to uppercase. } (************************************************************************) var areg : byte; begin repeat until keypressed; areg := Bdos(conin); anychar := UPCASE(chr(areg)) end; { readchar } procedure readnum ( var areal : real; var goodnum : boolean); (************************************************************************) { By reading numbers in as a string, the VAL function built into TURBO } { provides an easy way to ensure a number has been input. } (************************************************************************) var code : integer; astring : string[5]; begin readln(astring); VAL (astring, areal, code); if code = 0 then begin goodnum := true; areal := int(areal) end else goodnum := false end; { readnum } procedure initialize; (************************************************************************) begin LocSt := 0; LocEnd := 0; drive := chr($40); StartSelected := false; done := false end; { initialize } procedure init_msg; (************************************************************************) begin clrscr; writeln(' RESCUE.COM ver 2.0'); writeln(' Copyright (C) 1985 by Steve Mitton (tel 703 339-5842).'); writeln(' Released to the PUBLIC DOMAIN for non-commercial use.'); writeln; writeln(' The purpose of RESCUE.COM is:'); writeln(' (1) to SEARCH the TPA for a lost program text'); writeln('and once found,'); writeln(' (2) to WRITE it to disk as RESCUE.TXT.'); writeln(' In principal, a lost text can be recovered after a WARM BOOT'); writeln('(control--c), and sometimes after a COLD BOOT (restart button).'); writeln(' When a program crashes, load RESCUE.COM immediately. Be sure'); writeln('sure to insert a disk that has enough empty space to accept the'); writeln('recovered file. The drive you select to write the file RESCUE.TXT'); writeln('on is automatically reset by RESCUE.COM to a R/W status.'); writeln(' Learn how to use RESCUE.COM before you really need it.'); writeln('In an emergency, you want to be right -- the first time!'); writeln(' Note: In a 64k computer, its memory is deployed like this:'); writeln(' 0 -- 100 reserved for CP/M'); writeln(' 100 -- 16,000 occupied by RESCUE.COM itself'); writeln(' 16,000 -- 60,000 Transient Program Area'); writeln(' 60,000 -- 64,000 CP/M Operating System'); writeln; write(' ===> M -- GO TO MENU <=== '); repeat until keypressed; clrscr end; { init_msg } function MemoryMarked : boolean; (************************************************************************) begin if StartSelected and (LocSt < LocEnd) then MemoryMarked := true else MemoryMarked := false end; { MemoryMarked } procedure WriteFile; (************************************************************************) label EXIT; var NumSectors, I, Areg, Try: byte; DMA : integer; WroteSector : boolean; begin { Verify addresses and drive and initialize FCB } write(crlf, 'START ADDRESS = ', LocSt:1:0, crlf, 'END ADDRESS = ', LocEnd:1:0, crlf, 'Write file RESCUE.TXT to'); case drive of '@' : writeln(' default drive? '); { '@' is ASCII 40H } 'A'..'P' : writeln(' drive ', drive, '? '); end; {case} readchar(response); if response <> 'Y' then goto EXIT; FileOut.dr := ord(drive) - $40; := 'RESCUE TXT'; fillchar ([12], 23, 0); BDOS(resetDOS); { Open file RESCUE.TXT } { If a file RESCUE.TXT exists and it will be deleted first } Areg := BDOS(delfile, addr(FileOut)); Areg := BDOS (makefile, addr(FileOut)); if Areg in [0..3] then writeln(crlf, 'Writing file . . .') else begin writeln('Cannot open file'); goto EXIT end; { Have to be careful since max integer 32767. } { The initial 128 substracted will be incremented below. } if LocSt < maxint then DMA := round(LocSt) - 128 else begin DMA := round(LocST - AddrConv) - 128; end; NumSectors := round((LocEnd - LocSt)/128) + 1; writeln('Start address = ', LocSt:1:0); writeln('End address = ', LocEnd:1:0); writeln('Number of sectors = ', NUMSECTORS:1, ' '); writeln('. . .'); for I := 1 to NumSectors do begin DMA := DMA + 128; { increment DMA } BDOS (setdma, DMA); Try := 0; WroteSector := false; repeat Areg := BDOS (writesector, addr(FileOut)); if Areg <> 0 then Try := succ(Try) else WroteSector := true until (Try = 5) or (WroteSector); if Try = 5 then writeln(^g, '** Warning ** error writing sector ', i) end; { do } { Close file } Areg := BDOS (closefile, addr(FileOut)); if Areg in [0..3] then begin writeln ('RESCUE.TXT written'); done := true end else writeln (^G, '** error ** file write error ??'); EXIT: end; { Write_File } procedure Scroll (var StartLoc : real); (*************************************************************************) { This procedure will scroll through memory beginning at StartLoc. It will} { only print the characters in CharSet ( the printable ASCII's ) as well } { cr and lf characters. All other ASCII's are represented by a '.'. } { For readability a cr followed lf will constitute an EOL, otherwise the } { length of the string 'line' will determine the EOL. Before exiting, } { StartLoc is reset so that the scroll can resume at the last address } { scanned if desired.} (*************************************************************************) label CONTINUE, EXIT; var address : integer; line : string[linesize]; Areg : byte; achar : char; function NextChar : char; (************************************************************************) { This function returns the character at the current 'address' and } { increments 'address' for the next read. } { It also does a check to ensure 'address, is within 64K.} (************************************************************************) begin NextChar := chr (mem [address]); address := succ(address); If address = 0 then writeln (^G, crlf, 'Warning *** End of 64K memory ***', ^G) end; { NextChar } procedure PrintLine; (************************************************************************) { This procedure will print a string, the global 'line' along with the } { line number for the following line.} (************************************************************************) var LineNum : real; begin if address < 0 then LineNum := address + AddrConv else LineNum := address; write (' ', line, crlf, LineNum:5:0); line := '' end; { PrintLine } begin { Scroll } if StartLoc < maxint then address := round(StartLoc) else address := round(StartLoc - AddrConv); line := ''; write (StartLoc:5:0); repeat achar := NextChar; CONTINUE: If length(line) >= linesize then PrintLine; If achar in CharSet then line := line + achar else if achar = cr then begin achar := NextChar; if achar = lf then begin PrintLine; achar := NextChar; goto CONTINUE end else begin line := line + '.'; { concats cr to line as a '.'} { no need to advance read to next char } goto CONTINUE end { else if lf } end { if cr } else line := line + '.'; until keypressed; Areg := BDOS (conin); command := Upcase(chr(Areg)); if Command = ^S then begin repeat until keypressed; Areg := BDOS(conin); Command := Upcase(chr(Areg)); if Command = ^S then goto CONTINUE end; EXIT: if address < 0 then StartLoc := address + AddrConv else StartLoc := address end; { Scroll } procedure DisplayHelp; (************************************************************************) begin writeln(' ===> MENU <==='); writeln; writeln(' Q -- to QUIT at any time'); writeln; writeln; writeln(' ===> TO SEARCH THROUGH MEMORY <=== '); writeln; writeln(' B -- to BEGIN the search [at 16,000, the default address] '); writeln(' A -- [at any time] to specify a start/restart ADDRESS '); writeln('^S -- temporary pause/resume search scroll'); writeln(' M -- pause display to go to MENU'); writeln(' C -- to CONTINUE the scroll from the last address shown'); writeln; writeln; writeln(' ===> TO RECLAIM AN AREA OF MEMORY <==='); writeln; writeln(' S -- to specify a STARTING address for rescue.txt'); writeln(' E -- to specify an ENDING address [important: be sure this address'); writeln(' is at least two lines below the end of your program'); writeln(' so that a proper End-of-File will be included.] '); writeln(' D -- to specify the DRIVE that rescue.txt is to be sent to.'); writeln(' W -- to WRITE rescue.txt to the disk in the drive specified'); write('Command selected -> GOOD LUCK '); gotoxy(21, 24); readchar(command); writeln end; { DisplayHelp } (*************************** main program *****************************) begin initialize; init_msg; clrscr; writeln; DisplayHelp; repeat case command of 'A' : begin write(crlf, 'Address to resume scroll', crlf, ' will resume scroll at last address -> '); readnum (Loc, goodnum); if not goodnum then begin writeln(^g, '** Input error ** bad number ??'); DisplayHelp end else command := 'C'; writeln; end; 'B' : begin Loc := start; scroll(Loc) end; 'C' : scroll(Loc); 'D' : begin writeln(crlf, 'Select the drive to write RESCUE.TXT.', crlf, ' selects default drive, or select ''A'' thru ''P'''); readchar(drive); if not (drive in ['A'..'P']) then begin drive := chr($40); writeln(crlf, 'Default drive selected') end else writeln(crlf, 'Drive ', drive, ' selected'); DisplayHelp end; 'E' : if StartSelected then begin write (crlf, 'Select RESCUE.TXT end address -> '); readnum(LocEnd, goodnum); if not goodnum then begin writeln(crlf, ^g, '** Input error ** bad number ??'); DisplayHelp end else if MemoryMarked then begin WriteFile; if not done then DisplayHelp end { note DONE set to true by WriteFile if write good } else begin write(crlf, ^G,'** error ** end address too small', ' START ADDRESS = ', LocSt:1:0, ' END ADDRESS = ', LocEnd:1:0); DisplayHelp end end else begin writeln (^G, crlf, 'Start address has not been selected'); DisplayHelp; end; 'M' : begin writeln; DisplayHelp end; 'Q' : begin writeln(^G, crlf, 'Abort rescue operation? '); readchar(response); if response <> 'Y' then begin writeln(^G, crlf, '** Continue RESCUE ** '); DisplayHelp end else begin writeln(^G, crlf, 'Abort at user request'); done := true end end; 'S' : begin write (crlf, 'Select RESCUE.TXT starting address -> '); readnum(LocSt, goodnum); if goodnum then begin StartSelected := true; command := 'A' end { if goodnum } else begin writeln(crlf, ^g, '** Input error ** bad number ??'); DisplayHelp end; end; 'W' : if MemoryMarked then begin WriteFile; if not done then DisplayHelp end { note DONE set to true by WriteFile if write good } else begin writeln(crlf, ^g, '** error ** memory not marked ??'); DisplayHelp end; else begin writeln( ^G, crlf, '** error ** bad command ??'); DisplayHelp end end; {case} until done END.