Date: Tue, 11 Feb 86 09:57 EST From: Victor Lee Subject: QK-KERMIT, a Turbo Pascal Kermit I would like to submit our version of Turbo Pascal Kermit which runs on both the MS-DOS and CP/M systems. It is named QK-Kermit after our SHARE installation name, QK (Queen's Kingston). I made some attempt to get together with Jeff Duncan, but it was not very successful. The files we sent back and forth to one another kept getting lost. And I got somewhat confused as to which files went together. At Queen's the developement of the MsDos Kermit features had to take priority over any CP/M features. Consequently this Turbo Pascal KERMIT is primarily our own Kermit. [Ed. - Jeff Duncan at Prime Computer has also been working on a Turbo Pascal Kermit, but concentrating on CP/M. His previous Turbo Pascal CP/M-80 Kermit remains available as KER:TURBO.*.] The Turbo Pascal Kermit which we call QK-KERMIT has been widely used on campus to tie in with Kermits on the VM/CMS, VAX systems, RT11 system and micro to micro systems. In addition to the features found in the Kermit-MS, QK-KERMIT has added the following: 1. VT100 emulation, with definable function keys. 2. VT100/TEK4010 graphics terminal emulation. We are also currently developing a TEK4105 version. 3. APL character set for those that have an APL character ROM. 4. Automatic Server mode for send and receive files. Because this Kermit is easy to use and modify, it has been used by others who have added there own particular modifications such as file encription, data compression, and Greek terminal emulation. There are about 3000 lines of code contained in several source Pascal files. [Ed. - Thanks, Victor! This program runs on the IBM PC,XT,AT; the Apple II, and the Kaypro II. A simple hex file (2-for-1 encoding of the binary .COM file) is provided for the IBM PC family (with and without graphics). Additional hex files for other combinations of PCs/terminals/graphics may appear from time to time. The files are in KER:QK*.* on CU20B. The binary .COM files are in KB:QK*.COM on CU20B. Hexify/dehexify programs are in KER:QKCOMH.PAS and KER:QKHEXC.PAS. The source files are concatenated together into KER:QKKER.PAS; KER:QKKER.DOC is the manual; there are various auxilliary files for key definition, etc. To run the program, you need to have a key definition file on your current disk.]