title 'tShell (c) 1985 S. Kluger, all rights reserved' name ('tShell') .z80 ; ; prerelease blues: ; start: ; 11/29/85 cold start, drawn up TSHELL.DEF ; 12/01/85 part 1 and 2 ; 12/05/85 finished up main code ; 12/08/85 main code bug free ; 12/09/85 first live test, added hook for drive redef ; 12/11/85 completed user area lockout, rewrote TIMECL code ; 12/13/85 completed user 31 exception, added "CNTROL" to ; prevent access across network for some fcns, ; added terminal config block and access code ; 12/14/85 moved signon message to login program (from usrsom) ; 12/15/85 added printer/print mode setup ; 12/20/85 added return dskast function ; 12/21/85 added set dskast function, added remote lock ; 12/22/85 added system reset date/time function, added TIMECL ; suppress code to SCREEN byte ; 12/25/85 fixed AUTUSR bug ; 01/01/86 changed for USRSUP, added fcn 16,17,18,19 ; 01/02/86 added sneaky serial # check ; 01/04/86 fixed problem in fcn 15 when date not set ; ; alpha: ; beta: ; release updates: ; ; ; serial number/version stuff ; vers equ 152h ; version (1.52) orig equ 24 unit equ 623 shel equ 1 ; internal serial # ; aseg ?orig? equ orig ; set up serial number origin... ?unit? equ unit ; and unit. public ?orig?,?unit? ; ; ; +-----------------------+ ; | part 1 - data storage | ; +-----------------------+ ; ; dseg ; include TSHELL.DEF include TERMINAL.CFG ; drvtbl: ds 16*3 ; slave's original DSKAST flag31: db 0 ; user 31 access flag srhsav: db 0 ; search drive save ; fcntbl: dw xxfc00 ; get parameter block dw xxfc01 ; set parameter block dw xxfc02 ; log off (clear pb and dskast) dw xxfc03 ; send console message dw xxfc04 ; allow/disallow user 31 access dw xxfc05 ; spy on user/attach remote dw xxfc06 ; reset this processor dw xxfc07 ; abort current process dw xxfc08 ; get terminal configuration dw xxfc09 ; set terminal configuration dw xxfc10 ; return dskast dw xxfc11 ; set dskast dw xxfc12 ; lock remote attach dw xxfc13 ; unlock remote attach dw xxfc14 ; return last system reset date/time dw xxfc15 ; set reset date/time dw xxfc16 ; return master node dw xxfc17 ; suspend until date/time dw xxfc18 ; execute program dw xxfc19 ; return tShell serial number nmbfcn equ ($-fcntbl)/2 ; number of functions ; lrsdt: dw 0 ; last reset date lrstm: dw 0 ; time lrsst: dw 0 ; tick locked: db 0 ; locked flag abcpf: db 0 ; flag to abort current process resflg: db 0 ; reset active flag twxflg: db 0 ; twix active flag twxbuf: ds 128 ; twix message buffer execut: db 0 ; execute flag execp: dw execl execl: ds 128 ; execute buffer ; id: db '.tShell.' ; ; ; +-------------------------+ ; | part 2 - initialization | ; +-------------------------+ ; common /?init?/ ; usrin@:: ld de,tshpr call crproc## ; create rsp ld a,(autusr##) ; get autusr byte and 80h ; see if default logon privileged jr nz,.nsru. ; do not patch SRUFCN ld a,0c3h ; patch SRUFCN ld (srufcn##+12),a ld hl,sruint ld (srufcn##+13),hl .nsru.: ld hl,timecl ; patch timecl ld (cmdint##+12),hl ld de,drvtbl ; move the dskast ld hl,dskast## ld bc,16*3 ldir ld a,(srhdrv##) ; get and save search drive ld (srhsav),a ld hl,(conast##+1) ; get console entry point ld (consol),hl ; store it here ld hl,conint ; get intercept address ld (conast##+1),hl ; redirect console ld a,nmbfcn ld hl,id ret ; ; +------------------------+ ; | part 3 - mainline code | ; +------------------------+ ; cseg ; usrfc@:: push hl push de push bc call xxfc15 pop bc pop de pop hl ld a,l ; get function number cp nmbfcn+1 ; in range? jr c,..uok. ; yes, process fcn ld a,0ffh ret ; ..uok.: ld h,0 ; hl=function # add hl,hl push de ; save de ld de,fcntbl add hl,de ; hl points to fcn address pop de ld a,(hl) inc hl ld h,(hl) ld l,a jp (hl) ; execute function ; ; +----------------------------------+ ; | function 0 - get parameter block | ; +----------------------------------+ ; xxfc00: ld d,b ; move destination (dma) ld e,c ld hl,LCLID ; point to source gspb: ld bc,128 ldir xor a ; set ok flag ret ; ; +----------------------------------+ ; | function 1 - set parameter block | ; | and log user on | ; +----------------------------------+ ; xxfc01: call cntrol ; see if authorized ret nz ld a,(LCLLGD) ; get logged flag or a ; logged? ret nz ; yes, barf dec a ; make a=ff ld (LCLLGD),a ; set logged true ld h,b ; move source (dma) ld l,c ld de,LCLID call gspb ; wrap up ld a,(LCLDPR) ; get default printer/queue ld (queptr##),a ; reset it ld a,(LCLDPM) ; get default print mode ld (prtmod##),a ; reset it ld a,(LCLSHD) ; get defined search drive ld (srhdrv##),a ; set new search drive call redef ; effect drive redefinition ld b,8 ; 16 drives to process twice ld hl,dskast## ; patch target ld a,(LCLDRA+1) ; get access for A..H call ..sds. ; patch ld b,8 ; the next 8 ld a,(LCLDRA) ; access for J..P call ..sds. xor a ; set ok flag ret ; ..sds.: rra ; drive bit into carry jr c,.sdx. ; skip if allowed ld (hl),0ffh ; else patch to offline .sdx.: inc hl inc hl inc hl ; point to next drive djnz ..sds. ; repeat until 8 drives done ret ; ; +----------------------+ ; | function 2 - log off | ; +----------------------+ ; xxfc02: call cntrol ; authorization check ret nz ld hl,LCLID ; clear pb ld b,128 ..lof.: ld (hl),0 inc hl djnz ..lof. ld hl,drvtbl ; restore dskast ld de,dskast## ld bc,16*3 ldir xor a ld (flag31),a ; set 31 access flag off ld a,(srhsav) ; reset search drive ld (srhdrv##),a ret ; ; +-----------------------------------+ ; | function 3 - send console message | ; +-----------------------------------+ ; xxfc03: ld h,b ld l,c ld de,twxbuf ld bc,128 ldir ld a,0ffh ld (twxflg),a ret ; ; +-----------------------------+ ; | function 4 - user 31 access | ; +-----------------------------+ ; xxfc04: call cntrol ; authorized? ret nz ld hl,flag31 ; point to access flag ld a,(hl) ; get it to a cpl ; complement (toggle) it ld (hl),a ; save it ret ; a returns status ; ; +--------------------------+ ; | function 5 - spy on user | ; +--------------------------+ ; xxfc05: xor a ; not implemented ret ; ; +----------------------------+ ; | function 6 - reset station | ; +----------------------------+ ; xxfc06: ld a,0ffh ld (resflg),a ; set reset flag ret ; ; +------------------------------------+ ; | function 7 - abort current process | ; +------------------------------------+ ; xxfc07: ld a,0ffh ; set abort flag, so that the guy... ld (abcpf),a ; ...gets blown off at next console I/O ret ; ; +-----------------------------------------+ ; | function 8 - get terminal configuration | ; +-----------------------------------------+ ; xxfc08: call cntrol ; allowed? ret nz ; no, return undone ld d,b ; move destination ld e,c ; into bc ld hl,TCFBLK ; source to hl .gspb: jp gspb ; move ; ; +-----------------------------------------+ ; | function 9 - set terminal configuration | ; +-----------------------------------------+ ; xxfc09: call cntrol ; allowed? ret nz ; no, return undone ld h,b ; move source ld l,c ; into hl ld de,TCFBLK ; set up destination jr .gspb ; move it ; ; +-----------------------------+ ; | function 10 - return dskast | ; +-----------------------------+ ; xxfc10: call cntrol ; local call? ret nz ; no, barf ld d,b ; move destingation ld e,c ld hl,dskast## jr .gspb ; ; +--------------------------+ ; | function 11 - set dskast | ; +--------------------------+ ; xxfc11: call cntrol ; local call? ret nz ; no, ignore ld a,(LCLLV) ; get access byte and 3 ; mask priv level sub 2 ; see if full ret nz ; no, ignore ld h,b ; move source ld l,c ld de,dskast## ld bc,16*3 ldir xor a ; return ok ret ; ; +----------------------------------+ ; | function 12 - lock remote attach | ; +----------------------------------+ ; xxfc12: ld a,(locked) ; get locked flag inc a ; test it ret z ; return if locked ld a,0ffh .lunl.: ld (locked),a ; lock ret ; ; +------------------------------------+ ; | function 13 - unlock remote attach | ; +------------------------------------+ ; xxfc13: xor a jr .lunl. ; ; +---------------------------------------------+ ; | function 14 - return last system reset time | ; +---------------------------------------------+ ; xxfc14: ld hl,(lrsdt) ; get last reset date ld de,(lrstm) ; hours and minutes ld bc,(lrsst) ; seconds and tick count ret ; ; +-----------------------------------+ ; | function 15 - set reset date/time | ; +-----------------------------------+ ; xxfc15: ld c,10 call otntry## ld a,0ffh bit 7,h ret nz ; invalid date/time ld (lrsdt),hl ld (lrstm),de ld (lrsst),bc ld a,0c9h ld (xxfc15),a ; inhibit re-entry ret ; ; +----------------------------------+ ; | function 16 - return master node | ; +----------------------------------+ ; xxfc16: ld hl,(defdid##) ret ; ; +-----------------------------+ ; | function 17 - suspend until | ; +-----------------------------+ ; xxfc17: push iy push bc ; save pointer to dma buffer ld c,10 call otntry## ; get date and time pop iy ; pointer into IY ld a,l cp (iy) jr nz,.17.n ; skip if negative compare ld a,h cp (iy+1) jr nz,.17.n ld a,e cp (iy+2) jr nz,.17.n ld a,d cp (iy+3) .17.n: push iy pop bc pop iy ret z ; return if done push bc ld c,2 ld de,60 ; else wait a second call otntry## pop bc jr xxfc17 ; ; +------------------------------------+ ; | function 18 - execute command line | ; +------------------------------------+ ; xxfc18: ld h,b ld l,c ld de,execl ld a,(hl) or a ret z call gspb ld hl,execl ld (execp),hl ld a,1 ld (execut),a ret ; ; +------------------------------------+ ; | function 19 - return serial number | ; +------------------------------------+ ; xxfc19: ld hl,shel ; return serial # ld de,vers ; and version # ld bc,unit ld a,orig ret ; ; ; +---------------------------+ ; | part 4 - resident process | ; +---------------------------+ ; ; tshpr: ld c,12 call otntry## ld hl,unit or a sbc hl,de jr nz,.crash ld c,2 ; do it once a second ld de,60 call otntry## ld a,(resflg) ; get reset flag inc a jr nz,.tshnr ; skip if no reset ld c,2 ld de,240 ; delay 4 seconds call otntry## call xreset## ; call external reset .crash: di halt ; .tshnr: ld a,(twxflg) ; get twix flag inc a call z,sndtwx ; send twix if there jp tshpr ; and loop ; sndtwx: ld hl,twxbuf ; point to buffer ld a,(hl) ; get length or a ; empty? ret z ; yes, return ld b,a inc hl ..stwx: push bc push hl ld a,(conast##) ld d,a ld e,2 ld c,(hl) call condra## pop hl pop bc inc hl djnz ..stwx ; ; ; +-------------------------+ ; | part 5 - intercept code | ; +-------------------------+ ; ; 1. set user number intercept ; sruint: call chkusr ; check user access ret nc ; ignore if restricted ld (ix+40h),a ; else store user number ret ; ; 2. prompt display intercept ; timecl: ld a,(clblen##+9) or a ;if prompt inhibit... jr nz,skip ;...then don't display time ld a,(LCLSCM) ; get screen byte bit 6,a ; see if TIMECL disabled jr nz,skip ; skip if disabled ld c,10 call otntry## ; get time ld a,d ; get hours call bytout ld (timst+1),hl ld a,e ; get minutes call bytout ld (timst+4),hl ld c,12 call ocntry## ld a,d add a,'A' ld (sta),a ld a,e call bytout ld (net),hl call dms## timst: db '[00:00 ' sta: db 'A' net: db '00] ',80h skip: ld a,(ix+40h) ret ; bytout: ld l,'0'-1 ..l: inc l sub 10 jr nc,..l add a,'0'+10 ld h,a ret ; ; 3. console I/O intercept ; conint: ld a,(abcpf) ; get abort flag inc a jr nz,.nabrt ; don't abort ld (abcpf),a call dms## ; let the sucker know 0dh,0ah,0ah,7 '[OPERATOR TERMINATED]',0dh,0ah,80h jp errxit## ; trash him ; .nabrt: ld a,(execut) or a jr z,.nexec call .exab ; abort whatever we're doing ld a,e cp 2 jr nc,.nexec ld hl,(execp) inc hl or a jr nz,.exns ld a,(execl) or a ret z ld c,(hl) ld a,0ffh ret ; .exns: ld a,(execl) dec a ld (execl),a jp m,doexe ld (execp),hl ld a,(hl) ret ; doexe: xor a ld (execut),a .nexec: jp 0 ; patched later consol equ $-2 ; .exab: ld a,0c9h ld (.exab),a jp errxit## ; ; +------------------------------+ ; | part 6 - utility subroutines | ; +------------------------------+ ; ; ; 1. check user ; input: A = desired user area ; output: C = allowed or NC = restricted ; no registers altered ; chkusr: and 1fh ; make 0..1f push hl ld hl,LCLLGD bit 7,(hl) pop hl scf ccf ret z ; exit if unlogged cp 31 ; user 31 requested? jr nz,n.31. ; no, continue normally push hl ld hl,flag31 ; point to user 31 access flag inc (hl) dec (hl) pop hl ; Z if flag off jr z,n.31. ; check if maybe authorized anyway scf ret ; say yes ; n.31.: push bc push hl ld c,a ; save requested user area ld a,(LCLLV) ; get his access level and 3 ; mask acl cp 2 ; check if full access ld a,c scf ; preset true jr z,.n.res ; skip if authorized cp 8 ; over 7? ld hl,LCLUSA jr c,..ck.. cp 16 ; over 15? inc hl jr c,..ck.. cp 24 ; over 23 inc hl jr c,..ck.. inc hl ..ck..: and 7 ; make 0..7 ld b,a ; into counter inc b ; iterate at least once ld a,(hl) ; get access bits ..ckl.: rra ; move bits around djnz ..ckl. ; until right one is in CY ld a,c ; get user area back .n.res: pop hl ; restore hl pop bc ; restore bc ret ; ; 2. dskast patch for drive re-definition ; no input, output, all regs used ; NOTE: for testing, redef is allowed for A: ; redef: ret ; later ; ; 3. check for authorization. ; a call here verifies that DE=FFFF ; cntrol: inc de ld a,d or e ld a,0ffh ; set false ret end