rem USRCFG (user config) %nolist def fnsup external integer fnsup fend def fncons external rem return console # integer fncons fend call fnsup def pdat$(x$)=mid$(x$,3,2)+"/"+right$(x$,2)+"/"+left$(x$,2) def ptim$(x$)=left$(x$,2)+":"+mid$(x$,3,2)+":"+right$(x$,2) on error goto barf print print "[USRCFG v1.00 - console ";str$(fncons);"]" print pdat$(date$);" - ";ptim$(time$) print def fnhalt external integer fnhalt fend def fnstat(x$) external integer fnstat fend nad$=right$("000"+str$(fncons),3) lcalr$="LASTCALR."+nad$ ufile$="USER"+CHR$(ASC("S")+128)+".SYS" open ufile$ recl 128 as 1 open lcalr$ as 2 read #2; fn$,ln$ print "looking.." : dl%=0 for i%=1 to 250 read #1, i%; ufn$,uln$,uct$,uac$,udt$,utm$,upw$,ucn$,urs$,udl$ if ufn$=fn$ and uln$=ln$ and udl$<>"*" then goto found.usr if udl$="*" and dl%=0 then dl%=i% next i% print : print print "No record found... cannot process" stop found.usr: print : print print "Hello, ";fn$ print "I need to know your..." input "... password? "; line pw$ if ucase$(pw$)=ucase$(upw$) then goto pwok print "Guess you messed up, try again." mess%=mess%+1 : if mess% <> 3 then goto print print "You can't be ";fn$;" ";ln$;" or you'd know your password." print "I don't know how you got THIS far," print "but now it's time to correct this mistake!" close 1,2 call fnhalt stop pwok: print : print print "OPTIONS: 1) change password" print " 2) display data" print " 3) change city" print " 4) change logon area" print " (anything else = quit)" input "CHOICE ? ";line yn$ if yn$="1" then goto newpw if yn$="2" then goto dsply if yn$="3" then goto if yn$<>"4" then goto quit chg.ara: print print "Your current logon area is "; if urs$="res" then print "NEWSTUFF" else print urs$ input "Do you want to change it ? ";line yn$ yn$=ucase$(yn$)+" " if left$(yn$,1)<> "Y" then goto pwok print input "Change to what area (type only a NUMBER 4..30) ";line ara$ if val(ara$)<3 or val(ara$)>30 or len(ara$)>2 then\ print "invalid entry - try again" : goto chg.ara urs$=ara$ : gosub newpw: print : print "OK, please let me know the NEW password." input "Please enter it now OR TYPE 'ABORT' TO ABORT : "; line npw$ if ucase$(npw$)="ABORT" then goto aborted upw$=ucase$(npw$) gosub print print "Fine, system now knows your new password." print "Be sure you do too or else you can't log on anymore!" goto pwok quit: close 1,2 stop dsply: print : print print "First name........... ";ufn$ print "Last name............ ";uln$ print "Location............. ";uct$ print "Access level......... ";uac$ print "Password............. ";upw$ print "Number of calls...... ";ucn$ print "Logon area........... "; if urs$="res" then print "NEWSTUFF" else print urs$ goto pwok print : print print "You moved? I have your location as ";uct$ input "Enter new city/state or RETURN to abort : ";nct$ if nct$="" then goto pwok uct$=ucase$(nct$) : gosub goto dsply print #1,i%; ufn$,uln$,uct$,uac$,udt$,utm$,upw$,ucn$,urs$,udl$ return aborted: print : print print "Password change NOT MADE - returning to menu" close 1,2 goto pwok barf: print : print print "Awfully sorry, but an error occurred." print "I'll have to drop you..." call fnhalt end