; AUTHORIZ v1.00 01/18/84 ; By ESKAY ; ; part of the RTDS system ; sysop use only ; cr equ 0dh lf equ 0ah ; tdos equ 50h setpar equ 90h ;set parameter call getpar equ 91h ;get parameter call dbuff equ 80h ;default buffer uacl equ dbuff ;access level storage ulog equ dbuff+1 ;logged flag uname equ dbuff+10h ;caller's name ; .request syslib extrn bbline,print,pstr,crlf extrn eval10,pafdc ; .z80 ; start: ld sp,stack call print cr,lf '[RTDS (c) 1985 ESKAY]',cr,lf '[AUTHORIZ ver 1.00]',cr,lf,lf 'Enter station number (1..15) to change ACL on :',0 call bbline or a jp z,quit call eval10 ;make hex or a jp z,quit cp 16 jp nc,quit ld a,d or a jp nz,quit ld (statn),de ;save station number = circ/node ld bc,0feh*256+41 ;b=-2, c=t-fcn 41 ld h,getpar call tdos ld a,(ulog) cp 77h jr z,logged call print cr,lf,lf 'Error - no user logged there!',cr,lf,0 rst 0 ; logged: call print cr,lf,lf 'Name = ',0 ld hl,uname call pstr call print ', current ACL = ',0 ld a,(uacl) call pafdc call print cr,lf 'New access level (0..9, anything else = unchanged : ',0 call bbline or a jp z,nochg ld a,(hl) cp '0' jp c,nochg cp '9'+1 jp nc,nochg and 0fh ld (uacl),a push af ld bc,0feh*256+41 ld h,setpar ld de,(statn) call tdos pop af call print cr,lf,lf 'Access level CHANGED TO ',0 call pafdc jr quit ; nochg: call print cr,lf 'Access level UNCHANGED',0 quit: call print cr,lf,lf,0 rst 0 ; statn: dw 0 ds 80 stack equ $ end