; This is a submit file to aid in putting together PROBE.C using ; the BDS-C compiler. PROBE was written with an eye to portability ; and should compile with VERY few changes on any 8-bit CP/M based ; c-compiler. ; cc probe102.c -o -x ; with the BDS-C compiler ; -o provides some speed optimization at expense of size ; -x will abort the submit run at an error ; cc asctobin.c -o -x ; cc probsdpb.c -o -x ; cc probsern.c -o -x ; cc probsign.c -o -x ; ; Uncomment the line that uses your favorite linker. I like L24 best. ; ;clink probe102 asctobin probsdpb probsern probsign ;l2 probe102 asctobin probsdpb probsern probsign l24 probe102 asctobin probsdpb probsern probsign ; ; That's all folks!! ;