LOG.LBR v1.0 ABC Software co 22 Aug 1986 BOX 804 NEW WESTMINSTER B.C. CANADA V3L 4Z8 by: ANDY HOFFMAN This program is released into the public domain under the agreement that it is not to be sold or exchanged for any kind of profit, or it is not to be used in any commercial installation without prior consent of the ABC Software co. I have a unique CP/M system, I have opted to do my own hacking on the CCP as opposed to using ZCPR3, because of this, I didn't have room in the CCP for a ZCPR3 type of drive/user function, so this program is the answer to that problem, it allows me to log a drive and a user from one command line, the following files should be included with this library: - LOG.COM - LOG.AQM - LOG.DQC If you wish to make changes to this program you can assemble it with UVMAC the way it is, or you will have to convert it so that you can assemble it with M80 or RMAC, but you must have a Z80 assembler, and a Z80 based CP/M system to use this program. any comments can be sent to the address above, or you can call the BBS at <604> 526-3587. Andy Hoffman