;;06-30-85 PAIRX.DOC v1.3 Eric Gans French Dep't UCLA Los Angeles, CA 90024 Version 1.31 2/21/86 Calculates BIOS CONOUT address so as to work with Wordstar "R" command. Version 1.3 6/27/85 Allows directing error output to a .PXR file. Outputs a [More] after 22 lines of console output. Version 1.2 4/24/85 Adds ^P and ^Y to verified control characters. Version 1.1 4/13/85 Allows console input of MAXLN = maximum number of lines allowed before control character is considered unmatched. (The default MAXLN can still be changed at 102H). Ignores dot commands in line count for more accurate line numbers. Counts 256-line "pages" in non-doc files. ***************************************************************** PAIRX is an extended version of PAIR.COM that outputs (to a file or to the console) page and line number for unmatched control characters (^S, ^B, ^D, ^T, ^V, ^X, ^P, ^Y) in WS document mode files. (For non-doc files, it will count one "page" for every 256 lines.) What is or is not unmatched does not depend on the total number of ^S or ^D in the file, but on the maximum number of lines of separation you allow. You can enter this (one-digit decimal) number from the console after the filename; otherwise the default will be used. The original default is 1 (i.e., one is permitted between beginning and end of an underline, etc.); to change this, change the byte at 102H from 1 to any number from 0 to 9.* Setting it to 0, for example, would give you an error message every time the beginning and end of a toggle were not on the same line. A single unmatched character will produce an error message whatever your setting. * This can be done most easily using a disk utility like my SRW: 1. srw fpairx.com 2. w2 3. W2 = 1 >>? n <-- desired number 4. W 5. Save (Y/N)? y 6. e In DDT, follow the following steps: 1. ddt pairx.com 2. -s102 3. 102 1 n <-- desired number 4. 103 xx . 5. -^C 6. save 6 pairx.com Format: pairx [d:]filenm [maxln][f] MAXLN must be a one-digit decimal number (0 - 9). If it is not entered, the default (found at 102H) will be used. The "f" switch (v1.3) puts the error output in a file with type .PXR. If there are no errors, no file is created. This facilitates the use of PAIRX in batch files; you can use IF to check for the existence of the .PXR file and abort processing to correct the errors. If you use "f", the errors are not output to the console, but you are told whether or not errors were found. Since page and line numbers are given, you can determine for yourself whether the character found by the program is really unmatched or just farther than usual from its mate. To keep you occupied, PAIRX outputs a running total of pages read.