Documentation for LU.COM and LRUN.COM | This document applies to version 3.00 of LU.COM and version 2.0 of LRUN.COM. Copyright (c) 1982, 1983 by Gary P. Novosielski All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to copy and distribute this document for any non-commercial purpose. Any use of this material for commercial advantage without prior written consent of the author is prohibited. INTRODUCTION Library Utility (LU) is a program to allow combining of multilple files into one larger file. It requires CP/M version 2.0 or higher to run. | Version 3.00 replaces version 2.11. The major revisions are | the addition of the -b, and -n operators, and the addition | of CRC calculation and checking to improve reliability. | Error reporting has also been improved. Major revisions are | marked with a vertical bar (|) in the left margin. The directory information in an LU style library is contained in the same file as the data files, or members. The amount of space to be allocated to the directory must be specified by the user when a new library is created, but can be changed when the file is reorganized. The size of each directory entry is 32 bytes, which means each four directory entries take up one sector of the library file. Currently | only 18 bytes of each entry are used, with 14 bytes being reserved for use with possible future enhancements. The directory itself uses one entry for control information, so the number of directory sectors needed for a library of m members is (m + 1) / 4, rounded up to the next whole number. The user need not be concerned with this discussion, as directory size is calculated by the program. All directory sizes are input and output in terms of entries, each entry being a potential member file. The program adjusts directory size to an integral number of sectors. LRUN.COM is a small program which allows running a .COM (object code) file member directly from any library, without having to extract it to a separate disk file. Page 1 of 14 83-08-16 Documentation for LU.COM and LRUN.COM WHY USE LIBRARIES? First, a library file usually takes up less space than the total of the individual member files which went into it. The reason for this is that CP/M allocates disk space in fixed blocks or groups, typically 2k bytes each. Any space after the last sector of a file up to the next 2k block boundary is wasted. The same files in a library use only the number of sectors they actually need, and though the library itself may have a partially wasted block at the end, and requires some space for directory information at the beginning, the net effect is usually a saving of total space. The best results are seen when many small files are combined into one library. Second, a library file makes most efficient use of the CP/M disk directory, since it is treated as only one file by CP/M regardless of how many members it contains. Third, libraries can aid in transferring packages of software from one system to another using XMODEM. Only one file is transferred, eliminating the need to run the XMODEM transfer program several times, the chance of overlooking a needed file, and the problems of naming conflicts, (such as READ.ME files) among unrelated packages. WHY NOT USE LIBRARIES? There are some very good reasons for not using libraries. For one thing, files within a library are not available to most "normal" programs. If a frequently accessed file is placed in a library, it will have to be extracted from the library to its free-standing counterpart before it can be used by most programs. (.COM files are a notable exception to this, because of the availability of the LRUN command, covered later.) Libraries can actually waste disk space. When a disk file is erased, CP/M returns the space formerly used by the file to the free space pool for use by new files. When a member file is deleted from a library however, the space previously occupied by the file is not useable. The library must be reorganized to make this space available to CP/M. While this is easy to do with the LU program, it is not automatic, and if the situation is ignored, large areas of disk can be tied up as unproductive "dead space". Page 2 of 14 83-08-16 Documentation for LU.COM and LRUN.COM HOW TO USE THE LIBRARY UTILITY LU has two main methods of operation: interactive, and parameter driven. In parameter driven mode, the program takes its command inputs from the command line when it is first invoked, and when the entire line has been processed, execution ends. In interactive mode, the program takes its command inputs from one or more input lines from the standard input device (typically the console). When all the command inputs have been processed, the program reads another line. This process can be repeated as long as necessary. Input from disk files, C program "pipes", and the XSUB facility are also supported for more advanced applications. Interactive mode is probably the best way to get to know the program, because the effect of each action can be immediatley seen. To start an interactive library maintenance session, just type LU on the command line with no parameters after it. All the methods make use of similar syntax: Each input line, regardless of its source, is scanned left to right. All alphabetic characters are converted to upper case. If the line contains any blanks it is separated into multiple individual input strings. These input strings are divided into two classes: operators (sometimes called tags, or options) and operands. An operator is defined as any two character string where the first character is a minus sign. Operators tell the program what to do. Valid operators are -a, -b, -c, -d, -e, -l -n, -o, -r, -u and -x. Anything else with the same form is an operator too, but an invalid one. Operands are any other input string. | The most common operand strings are names of files | which are to be acted upon by the previous operator, for | instance, added to or extracted from a library file. These | are called filespec operands, and have the following general | form: [u/][d:][filename][.[ext]] where u is an optional user area prefix. It is a decimal number from 0 to 31, and if present, must be followed by a slash (/) character. User areas greater than 15 should be used with care, as they cannot be accessed by any of the resident CCP (Console Command Processor) commands of CP/M, such as USER, TYPE or ERA. d is an optional drive designator. It is a single character in the range of A to P, and if present, must be followed by a colon (:). filename is a string of 0 to 8 characters, following the standard CP/M conventions for filenames ext is a string of 0 to 3 characters, Page 3 of 14 83-08-16 Documentation for LU.COM and LRUN.COM following the standard CP/M naming conventions for filetype extensions. The period (.) after filename is manditory if ext is specified, and optional otherwise. The names "xyz" and "xyz." are equivalent. Ambiguous operands are those which contain the characters "*" or "?" in the filename or extension fields. Examples of | valid filespec operands are: 3/b:test.fil 3/test.fil b:test.* test.fil test. test z -z. comm?nd 0/ b: 5/a: Note in the example "-z." the period, though not required by the syntax of a filename, is essential to prevent the operand from being mistaken as the invalid operator "-z". What action is taken upon the operand depends upon which operator most recently preceded it. If no operator was entered, or an invalid one, or one that expects no operands, the operand will draw an error message, but will otherwise be ignored. When running interactively, LU prompts for the operators and operands. You can type as many inputs as will fit on the line, separating them with spaces. The end of an input line has no special significance. The most recent operator remains in effect, and the next line can begin with additional operands for it. The prompt displayed for each input line has this form: -m u/d:> where m is the current operator in effect u is the current user number in effect d is the current default drive For example the prompt might be "-E 0/A:>". This indicates that the -e operator is in still in effect; if an operand is entered it will be interpreted as the name of a member file to be Extracted from the library. It also shows that the current user number is 0, and the current drive is A:. Any operands which are entered without an explicit user or drive will use these defaults. The defaults can be changed at any time with the -u operator, discussed below. Page 4 of 14 83-08-16 Documentation for LU.COM and LRUN.COM When the program first starts up, the prompt begins with "-?", which means no operator is currently in effect. In this case, the only valid input is an operator. Any operand will be rejected. Page 5 of 14 83-08-16 Documentation for LU.COM and LRUN.COM SUMMARY OF OPERATORS In this discussion, the "open library" refers to the library name specified as the current library by using the -o operator discussed below. The default name LIBRARY.LBR is used whenever an operator needs an open library, but none is currently open. -a add files to library. -a causes subsequent operands to be treated as the names of files to be added to the open library. Ambiguous operands match all disk files which qualify according to normal CP/M wild-card conventions, except those with a filetype of .LBR. Explicit user or drive specification on an operand causes that area to be searched for the file(s) instead of the defaults. | -b Buffer size set. -b reads the subsequent operator | as the size (in sectors) to allocate for a disk I/O buffer. | Normally, this operator need never be used, since a 64 | sector buffer is assumed if not specified. A full discussion | of buffer size considerations, and their relation to disk | access speed is beyond the scope of this document. | Generally, a larger buffer will increase the speed of | adding, extracting and reorganizing, but this widely | variable with different hardware. | Bear in mind that a large I/O buffer will decrease the | size of the largest library directory which can be processed | by the program, since the directory buffer competes for | system memory with the I/O buffer. Conversely, setting the | buffer to a value less than 64 will increase the maximum | directory size. This operator can only be used at program | startup, before the first library is open. Its operands are | not filespec operands, but simple integer numbers in the | range 1...255. -c close the open library. If a library has been opened with the -o operator, or if the default library LIBRARY.LBR has been opened by some other operator, -c causes it to be closed. Otherwise, it has no effect. Normally this operator need never be entered, since any open library is automatically closed at the end of the session or when another one is opened. It is provided for situations where it is desired to change disk volumes without ending the LU program. Before removing the disk containing the library file, it must be closed. After mounting a new volume, the -U operator (see below) should be used. The -c operator expects no operands. -d delete files from library. -d causes subsequent operands to be treated as the names of members to be deleted from the open library. Ambiguous names match all members which qualify. User and drive specifications on operands are ignored, since the library members are obviously in whichever area contains the open library. -e extract files from library. -e causes subsequent operands to be treated as the names of members in the open Page 6 of 14 83-08-16 Documentation for LU.COM and LRUN.COM library to be extracted to normal free-standing CP/M files. The original copy is not deleted, and remains in the library. Ambiguous operands extract all members which qualify. User or drive specifications on member names cause the output file(s) to be placed in the specified area rather than the default. Any existing file with the same name will be overwritten unless it is protected by having its Read/Only attribute set on. -l list current library map. -l causes the directory of the open library to be listed on the console. The member names are displayed, along with their index (starting record within the library) their size in sectors, and the | internally calculated CRC value. Also, information is displayed about the number of sectors in the library, and how much space is used and unused (wasted). The number of active entries (members) in the directory is also displayed, as well the number deleted, free for future use, and the total number. This helps determine whether the library needs to be re-organized to free unused space and deleted entries. The operator -l expects no operands, so the next input should be another operator. | -n Name a member. -n causes each subsequent operand | to be treated as a request to change the name of a member in | the open library. Since both the new and old names of the | member must be given, a special double operand format is | used. It is essentially two filespec operands "glued | together" with an equals sign. For example: | newname.typ=oldname.typ | would cause the member OLDNAME.TYP to have its name changed | to NEWNAME.TYP. If the old name is not found in the open | library, or if the new name is that of an existing member, | no rename takes place, and an appropriate message is | displayed. Operands which do not conform to the special | = syntax will also draw an error message. -o open a library. -o causes the following operand to be treated as the name of a library file to be opened for use with subsequent operators. If there is already an open library, it is first closed, and the new one opened. If the new library does not exist, it is created with no members. Ambiguous names are not allowed. User and drive specification can be used to override the current area. The file type may be specified, but if not entered, defaults to .LBR which is strongly suggested as the file type for all library files. You will recall that files of type .LBR are ignored by the wildcard matching of the -a (add) operator. This prevents libraries from being accidentally added to other libraries, or to themselves; a situation not unlike trying to drive a truck up its own Page 7 of 14 83-08-16 Documentation for LU.COM and LRUN.COM tailpipe. If for some reason you want to add one library to another, be my guest, but you will have to specify the name without * or ? characters when adding it. -r reorganize library. -r causes the currently open library to be reorganized. First, the directory is sorted into alphabetical order, and then all active members are copied to a work library which is opened on the default user/drive. The size of the directory may be changed at this point by specifying a greater or smaller number of entries than were present the old library. The directory will always be made large enough to contain all the active members of the old library, so it is safe to enter a size of "1" to make the directory as small as possible. (See Specifying Directory Sizes below.) When reorganization is complete, the old library is deleted from its user/drive area, and the work library in the default area is renamed to the name of the old library. No backup copy is retained. The newly reorganized library remains open for use with subsequent operations. | Note that although the newly reorganized library always | ends up in the default area, the default area can be changed | with the -u operator. (Do this first, before using -o.) | Also, the old library can be opened in any area, by using | explicit user/drive specifications. The net result is that | it is possible to reorganize a library from any desired area | to any other area. Reorganizing a library to a different | drive is usually a much faster operation, and is manditory | if the current disk does not contain enough free space for | the old and work libraries at the same time. -u Use new default area. The -u can be used to change the default value for user number or drive. It causes the user prefix and drive spec of the following operand to be used as the new default area. If the following operand has no user prefix, or no drive spec, the corresponding default is not changed. (The filename and ext sections of the operand must be absent.) If a change is made, any open library is first closed, and the disk system is reset. Thus feature allows newly mounted disk volumes to be accessed for writing; CP/M causes new volumes to be Read Only until the program performs a disk system reset. The -u operator also affects which area will be used for the work library during reorganization. See the -r operator above. Note: If directed I/O is active (See advanced features below) the -u operator is treated as invalid. Due to some unfortunate assumptions in the C run-time package, the default drive cannot be safely changed while directed I/O files are open, and the BDOS gets confused by the disk reset under these conditions. -x eXit program. -x causes the interactive mode to be turned off, which means that the input line containing it will be the last line scanned by the program. It does not Page 8 of 14 83-08-16 Documentation for LU.COM and LRUN.COM cause immediate program termination, and if any more operators follow it on the same line, they will be processed normally. The program terminates only after the current line is fully processed. Any open library is then closed, and the user number and default drive are reset to the values they had when the program was originally invoked. To preserve compatability with earlier versions, the program will also end if an empty input line (carriage return alone) is typed. SPECIFYING DIRECTORY SIZE Whenever an old library is opened, the directory size is displayed as follows: Old library LIBRARY.LBR has 32 entries, 5 free. This means that 5 more members may be added before the directory becomes full. When the directory is full, -a becomes an invalid operator, and the library must be reorganized to add any more members. When a library is created for the first time, the user is prompted like this: New library COMMAND.LBR. Allow how many entries?_ Any number from 1 to 65535 is valid. The actual maximum is determined by the amount of free memory available on the system in use. Directory size will be rounded up to the next whole sector necessary to contain the number of entries requested. This number will remain in effect until the library is reorganized. Since the directory itself counts as an entry, one entry is added to your response before the size is calculated. Therefore just enter the maximum number of member files you want the library to be capable of holding. The maximum number of member files is also constrained by the amount of available disk space. If the disk space runs out during an add, the name is not added to the directory. If a multiple add is in progress, due to an ambiguous operand, the remaining qualifying files are still added if possible. If any of them is small enough to fit in the remaining disk space, it will be added. If any sectors were written by a failed add attempt, and then never utilized, they remain as unused sectors, and the library should be reorganized. PARAMETER DRIVEN METHOD All of the information needed for a maintenance run may be specified on the command line. The operators and operands are entered, separated by spaces, after the LU command, and the operations will take place without console intervention, except in the case where the directory size for a new library is requested. The syntax is: Page 9 of 14 83-08-16 Documentation for LU.COM and LRUN.COM LU [ [ ...]] [ [ ...]... where square brackets indicate optional parameters, and: is any operator. is any operand. ... indicates that the preceding parameter may occur multiple times. Any names occurring prior to the first operator, or following an operator which does not expect operands, are ignored. | CRC CHECKING | | Whenever a new member is added to a library, a value | called the CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) word is calculated | and stored in the member's directory entry. When the member | is extracted from the library, the calculation is done | again, and compared with the saved value. If the two values | do not match, it is an indication that the member was | damaged in some way while it was in the library. The extract | will still be performed, but a message warning that the | extracted copy is questionable will be displayed. | This feature is especially valuable for libraries which | have been created on another system and transmitted by phone | (possibly several times) before you receive them. It helps | insure that the extracted files are faithful reproductions | of the files originally inserted before transmission. | Members added by LU versions prior to 2.20 do not have CRC | words. The CRC check will be bypassed when one of these is | extracted. | The CRC word of the directory itself is checked when | the library is opened. A message warning of a CRC error will | be displayed at that time. Libraries modified by LU versions | prior to 2.20 have no directory CRC word, and the CRC check | will usually be bypassed. If a warning does occur, it will | not adversely affect operation. | When a library is reorganized, CRC words will be added | to all members, if not present. CRC errors which occur | during reorganization will cause the program to abort. The | damaged member must be deleted before the library can be | reorganized. | Libraries created by this version of LU can be read by | all previous versions. The CRC values inserted will simply | be ignored by early versions of the program. Page 10 of 14 83-08-16 Documentation for LU.COM and LRUN.COM ADVANCED FEATURES Input from BDS C "pipes" or ordinary sequential files is also possible. The filename is specified on the command line preceded by a "<" character and no intervening blank. Example: LU ". This applies to parameter driven as well as interactive (including "piped") input. Examples: LU -O 3/SPECIAL -A B:ZOT.COM >20/C:LOGFILE.OUT would add the file from drive b, current user area, to the library special.lbr, in user area 3 on the default drive. Console output would be written to a file called logfile.out in user area 20 on drive c. The placement of the output name on the line does not matter and except for turning on redirected output, it is ignored by all operators. LU B:RECORD.DOC would take interactive commands from the file and write console output to a file called record.doc on drive B. Normally, console file output is also echoed on the real console, except when input is also redirected, as in the last example. To force visible console output when both an input and output file are used, the ">" character preceding the output file name may be changed to a "+" like this: LU +RECORD.DOC prompt returns, do not hit RETURN. Instead, abort the program with Control-C. This will cancel the program without updating the directory, and the original members will still be present. Here is another caution. Since the entire directory must fit in memory for a library to be successfully opened, it is possible that a huge directory created on a your system will be too large to fit in memory if read on another system will less memory. This should not be a problem with a library of under a hundred entries. To give you an idea of how much elbowroom you have to work with, LU displays the highest memory location used each | time it terminates. This will vary depending on the size of | the disk I/O buffer, as well as the largest directory used | during operation, and will be slightly higher if interactive operation was used, since a console buffer must be allocated. It does not include the stack, which grows down from high memory, and is allowed about a thousand bytes of space for subroutine parameters and temporary work areas. Page 12 of 14 83-08-16 Documentation for LU.COM and LRUN.COM THE LRUN COMMAND The LRUN command was created for those of us who have lots of command files we like to keep on line all the time. We all have some favorite little .COM files are very small programs, but having a lot of them on disk eats up file space at an alarming rate due to the fixed CP/M block size. Put them all into a library called COMMAND.LBR using LU. You can then run any .COM file directly from the library by saying: LRUN The full syntax of LRUN is: LRUN [-] [] Where: is the library to be searched. The square brackets around - indicate it is optional. The - character tells LRUN that what follows is a library name. It is not an actual part of the name. Don't leave a space after the -. If the first parameter doesn't begin with - then the default library COMMAND.LBR is used. If a drive spec is given, such as B:, then only that drive is searched for the library. If no drive spec is given, the current area is searched first, and if no library of that name is found, the default area is searched before giving up. The default area is set to 0/A: in the distribution object code, but this can be changed to something more appropriate for your system by changing two equates in the source program and reassembling. LRUN does not otherwise support user numbers, and will not recognize the "u/" syntax on its parameters. If a name, but no type is entered, .LBR is assumed. is the name of the command to be run. No drive spec is used here. The type defaults to .COM and need not be entered. is a the normal (possibly empty) list of parameters which the .COM file expects to find on the command line when it is run. This list is parsed to the required file control blocks and command line area before execution begins, so the program will not be aware that anything cute is going on. (Thanks to Ron Fowler for supplying the code which makes this possible.) LRUN EXAMPLES LRUN ED FOO.BAR the file ED.COM is searched for in COMMAND.LBR on the current drive, or the A: drive. If found, ED.COM is loaded from the library, and FOO.BAR is passed to it as a parameter. Page 13 of 14 83-08-16 Documentation for LU.COM and LRUN.COM LRUN -C:SPECIAL LU -O COMMAND -A A:*.COM the file LU.COM is searched for in SPECIAL.LBR on the C drive. If found, LU.COM is loaded, and the strings -O, COMMAND, -A, and *.COM are passed to it as parameters. LRUN - -ZIP the file -ZIP.COM is searched for in COMMAND.LBR on the current drive, or the A: drive. If found, -ZIP.COM is loaded and executed with a blank parameter list. Since -ZIP.COM begins with a -, the extra - followed by a space was needed to act as a place-holder for the library name. Compare with: LRUN -ZIP the library -ZIP.LBR is looked for, but nothing else happens, because no command was specified. LRUN with no parameters at all, causes a screen of help information to be displayed as a memory refresher. Please report any problems or suggestions for enhancement to me via CompuServe CP-MIG or EMAIL, user number 70160,120; or by phone at (201) 935-4087, voice, evenings (eastern time) or weekends. Gary P. Novosielski Page 14 of 14 83-08-16