GETTING STARTED CP/M-80 files: PD2:COMPRESS.TXT <--explains compressed files PD2:CRUNCH.COM <--LZW file cruncher (Z80 only) PD2:CRUNCH.HEX <--use LOAD.COM to make CRUNCH.COM PD2:DELBR11.COM <--extracts file from LBR's PD2:DELBR11.HEX <--use LOAD.COM to make DELBR11.COM PD2:DELBR11A.C <--Aztec C II source for above PD2:LU300.DQC <--explains CP/M "LU" program PD2:LU310.COM <--the LU program itself (does LBR's) PD2:LU310.HEX <--use LOAD.COM to make LU310.COM PD2:LU310.HLP <--and a help file for it PD2:SQ111.COM <--CP/M-80 file squeezer PD2:SQ111.HEX <--use LOAD.COM to make SQ111.COM PD2:SQUEEZE.TXT <--explains squeezed files PD2:UNARC.COM-Z80 <--extracts files from ARCs (Z80 only) PD2:UNARC.HEX-Z80 <--use LOAD.COM to make UNARC.COM PD2:UNARCA.COM-8080 <--ditto, for 8080 PD2:UNARCA.HEX-8080 <--use LOAD.COM to make UNARCA.COM PD2:UNARC.DOC <--how to use UNARC PD2:UNARC.INF <--technical info on UNARC and ARC files PD2:UNCR.COM <--LZW file uncruncher (Z80 only) PD2:UNCR.HEX <--use LOAD.COM to make UNCR.COM PD2:UNCR8080.COM <--LZW file uncruncher (8080) PD2:UNCR8080.HEX <--use LOAD.COM to make UNCR8080.COM PD2:USQ120.COM <--CP/M-80 file unsqueezer PD2:USQ120.DOC <--how to use it PD2:USQ120.HEX <--use LOAD.COM to make USQ120.COM PD2:UUDECODE.BAS <--decodes uuencoded files (BASIC) (slow) PD2:UUDECODE.COM <--decodes uuencoded files PD2:UUDECODE.HEX <--use LOAD.COM to make UUDECODE.COM PD2:UUDECODE.PAS <--Turbo Pascal source for above PD2:UUENCODE.COM <--makes uuencoded files PD2:UUENCODE.HEX <--use LOAD.COM to make UUENCODE.COM PD2:UUENCODE.PAS <--Turbo Pascal source for above