Copyright 1985 Michael M Rubenstein This software and the accompanying documentation may be freely copied and distributed for noncommercial use. WARNING: ZTYPE requires a Z80 processor. Changes in Version 1.1. Tabs are now correctly expanded. A minor bug causing incorrect typing of files with last line not ending in carriage return or line feed has been corrected. Description. ZTYPE is an alternate TYPE command with display of underlining and boldface. ZTYPE can type either squeezed or unsqueezed files and will accept ambiguous file names. If used under ZCPR3, ZTYPE will recognize ZCPR3 named directories. Syntax. ztype [-cnv] ... ztype // Available options are -c Continuous display, no paging. -n No display of file name before typing. -v Visual attributes (underlining and boldface) not displayed. Options must occur before the first file name. Either the form ztype -cn file.typ or ztype -c -n file.typ may be used. The s may include drive/user specifications, e.g., ztype a4:file.typ b0:another.fil If running under ZCPR3 and properly installed, named directories may be used, e.g., ztype doc:*.txt root:*.sub The second form ztype // displays a short help. Installation. ZTYPE is distributed installed for Kaypro models which can display video attributes and for non-ZCPR3 use. To install for ZCPR3 use, simply install with Z3INS just as you would any ZCPR3 utility. If using a newer version of Z3INS (which can directly install COM files), use the command z3ins sysenv.env (where sysenv.env is the environment file for your system). For use on other than Kaypro systems, the screen information must also be patched at the following locations. 0113-011F Initialization string sent to terminal before typing a file 0120-012C String sent to terminal after typing a file 012D-0139 String to start video underlining 013A-0146 String to stop video underlining 0147-0153 String to start emphasis (boldface) 0154-0160 String to stop emphasis 0161 Lines on the screen 0162 Columns on the screen 0163 Zero if the screen does not auto wrap after the last column If using DDT to patch, save 63 pages. The strings for underlining and emphasis are all in the form of a length followed by up to 12 characters. ZTYPE may be tested by typing the files ZTYPE.WS this document in WordStar format ZTYPE.PRN this document formatted for printing ZTYPE.DOC this document with no underlining or boldface. Known Deficiencies. ZTYPE can recognize underlining and boldface only if it is produced by WordStar control characters or by immediate backspacing and overprinting. For example the sequences ^Sx^S x^H_ _^Hx will cause "x" to be underlined. ZTYPE will not recognize the sequence xy^H^H__ as underlining. Nor will it recognize underlining or boldface done with carriage returns and overprinting. ZTYPE will not work properly if underlining or emphasis use a space on the screen (e.g., Televideo 950 terminal).